Chapter 11: Shopping disasters and a phone call.

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Hey guys! 

Combining school and this book is becoming harder and harder. We are geniunely so sorry for not posting regularly, but hopefully we will get back on track and post more chapters during the Easter holidays. We all hope you like our new chapter, don't forget to vote and comment!

Ly guys xx.

I'm still shopping. Alec lead me through what felt like a million different stores but none of the dresses worked. No matter how beautiful they looked in the catalogs, none of them seemed to look that nice on me. I hate how that always seemed to happen. Some are too loose around my waist and some of them are way too tight. Looks like a dream come true in my fashion magazines, yet when I put them on, it looks like I'm modelling a piece of garbage. It's time to give up.

"You know what Alec! I am done with this! We have looked through every store and I am sick and tired of dress shopping. None of them look anywhere near nice on me. Can you please just take me home?" I say in an exhausted tone. If I can't find a nice dress to wear, I'll probably just not go to the party. I'm not that disappointed though; there would probably just be a whole lot of drunk teenagers, and people I would rather avoid.

"Come on... We only have one more shop to look at, it could be the one!" He pleads. Ummm, aren't boys supposed to hate shopping?

"Uhh, only if you buy me lunch." I smirk. I don't know how, but every girl knows for a fact that shopping makes you really hungry and tired! It should be classified as a fitness, because you have no idea how many calories I've lost trying to find a nice clothing store with some sense of fashion. Besides, I just spent my last $5 on some crappy nail polish which I'll probably never use. Haha, my life story.

"Fine, but let's make it quick; the store closes in 2 hours." He agrees and I roll my eyes. This is Alec we're talking about; he knows I like food, but seriously, 2 hours was a bit much, even for me.

He confidently strides towards an elevator, and I almost have to jog to keep up. I can't lose him now; I have no idea where I am. Who knew the mall could be so big?

One hundred and three steps later we finally arrive at a small cafe that sells amazing sandwiches. They smell delicious. We walk up to the counter and I look at the options. So many choices! I finally decide to order a BLT sandwich. Yeas! I'm sorry, but BLT's are both classic and good.

We walk to the very corner of the cafe and sit at one of the tables. We stare at each other awkwardly for a couple seconds, before he decides to speak. "So, do you have a date for the ball?"

"No, why?" Is he gonna ask me out? In a Wattpad book, the next line would be him asking me out!

"Just curious." He replies. Hmm... That was really strange. And why wasn't he meeting my eye? He seemed to be focusing on anything other than me.

"What about-" Right when I was about to ask, a really nice looking waitress came with our orders. She looked at me and Alec for while and then winked at me. I looked at her as if she just arrived from Mars. Embarrassed, I stare down at my feet.

"Thank you," I say politely, still thinking about the wink. Just as she is about to leave she leans in near Alec and whispers something in his ear. Immediately, his cheeks flush pink and he gives another weird look before looking away again. What is with him today? I can't help but wonder what she said. After a 10 minute staring competition between me and my battered converse, I finally have the guts to look up.

Thank God, she is gone.

"What did she say?" I ask.

He looks at me and then at the waitress who is now serving another table. Back to me, then back to the waitress. Me. Waitress.

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