Chapter 8: Ninja adventure and my bæ

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Hey everyone,

We are so sorry we haven't posted in a month, so much has happened so we just didn't have the time, now we will try post regularly so that doesn't happen again

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It's been a week! I am feeling so much better, the doctors all said I can leave tomorrow. 

I'm impressed at myslef - I mean, I know I am clumsy, but..... WOW!

Jellyfish? Why did it have to be a jellyfish?! UGH! I need to stop ranting; I can already feel another headache coming on.

Zach and I have actually become really good friends since the jellyfish accident. Out of everyone,  he came the most to visits. Well, technically Levi did, but he is my brother. 

Did he felt bad for not warning me? I mean, he saved my life! He shouldn't blame himself. Oh that boy! He is so sweet, but like teddy bear cute. I almost can forgive him about the bet. OMG. All this internal conflict is making me sleepy and hungry. Since I can't sleep, I should look for food. 

A second later, I find no food!  Really? 

I need to find the kitchen... Wait, do hospitals even have kitchens? 

I get up and walk out of my door. Right to my left, I find an office with a sleeping secretary inside. She must have just fallen asleep. Her desk is a mess - scattered papers everywhere and the desktop window on the laptop is still wide open.

 Why is she so tired? Ahh... It's 2:30 in the morning. 

Well, there is no going back. My ninja skills are being put to test. Amelia, The Secret Ninja. This time, at the hospital. I'm camouflaged in an ugly af gown. At least I blend in though. 

I feel stupid. This is when a normal person would stop - but this is so much fun! sneaking through tall the halls in search for food. No one can see me because I am a ninja. Hehe.

"Amelia?" A deep, tired voice asks confused a few meters away.

I abruptly stop in my tracks. Code Red! Run away! Back up plan ! What is happened get who is he? Stalker? Or maybe a creep?

Oh no it's just my doctor ........ wow the tiredness is kicking in.

"Yes?" I say with my most innocent voice. Let's hope he doesn't notice how nervous and shaky I am.

"What are you doing awake at two in the morning? And why are you walking around the hospital halls un supervised? You're supposed to be resting tomorrow we have an appointment with your parents."

Ummmmmmmmm. I need an excuse ahhhhh!!!! Panic attack!!!!,

"Amelia?..." He asks again in a more serious angry tone.

"I.....errrrrr..... ummmmmmm" I stutter.

I can feel a hand behind my shoulder reaching and finally gently presses on it sending sparks to go through my arm. What kind of horror movie am I in? I shiver at the feeling. Turning around I see Alec standing really close to me with his usual smirk on his face. He coughs to bring me back to reality and then speaks,

"I am sorry sir, I brought her here to get some food because she was feeling very homesick and wants her boyfriend to comfort her,"

WHATTTTTTTTTTT? Boyfriend? Who does he think he is? 

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