Chapter 30- Early

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The next morning the sun gleaned through the curtains, waking you up as the soft light flowed into your room. Today was an odd day for you, things were getting worse, you had never killed someone like that, never seen that much blood, never had your own hands caked with blood that wasn't your own, you remember the warm sticky sensation of the blood on your hands and tremembled.
You tried erasing the thought from your head as you flung the covers off your body, moving your legs over the side off bed, getting out slowly. You looked over at J as he slept little snores escaped J's lips softly, his chest rising and falling slowly as he slept deeply.
You walked down to the kitchen, rubbing your baby bump gently as you padded down the stairs, quietly, making sure not to wake J. You decided to make breakfast for you and J,
You began to make pancakes as you heard J walking down the stairs slowly.
"Good morning, princess." He said as he sleepily and slowly walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you as you poured some of the thick batter into the pan.
"Good morning, J" you turned your head, kissing him softly.
"You feeling okay today?" He asked you cautiously as He rubbed your back gently.
"Better." You spoke in a monotone voice as you flipped the golden brown pancake over in the pan, focusing on the pattern that the batter had made when you cooked it.
"I know its hard to deal with babe, but everything is fine. You'll be okay." He rubbed your arms as you flipped the pancake and took it off the stove, you now had around 7 pancakes pulled up onto a plate. Moving to the table you placed them on the table and sat down across from J.
"We'll get through this together babygirl" he spoke as he looked up at you from his plate of pancakes.
"Thank you J," you smiled at him. You both ate in silence, savouring your food bite by bite. After a good 20 minutes of eating you finished and sat back in your chair, relaxing after eating that big helping of pancakes. You sat there, hands rested on your stomach while you rested your back against the chair when all of a sudden you felt a sharp pain, a pain you've never felt before.
"J.." You said nervously as you shot up.
"What.. What's wrong babe."
You sat there holding your stomach.
"I- I think the baby is coming.." You spoke as you winced again as pain another pain shot through your body, and then your water broke.
"But I'm early." You whined as you groaned in pain.
"Oh my god. Oh my god!" J started to freak out. He ran upstairs getting skin toned makeup to cover his face so no one would recognize him, applying it messily.
"J, now is not the time!" You yelled as another sharp pain went threw you. He ran back down quickly with a sweater on.
"Well that's not obvious." You rolled your eyes and laughed slightly as he helped you walk out the door
"Let's get to the car," he helped you get to the car quickly, as the pace of your breathing quickened. He opened the car door for you and helped you get inside carefully.
"Just breathe, deep breaths baby." J coaxed you on as he got into the car, turning it in faster than you've ever seen. He sped as quickly as he possibly could towards Gotham General Hospital as he held your hand, while you squeezed it, breathing heavy as you were in labour.
"Out of all the times, only my kid could come at the wrong time." You groaned in pain, clutching Mistah J's hand harder.
"You're gonna break my hand." He laughed as he turned into the emergency room parking lot. He quickly got out of the car, running over to your side opening the door for you and helping you out cautiously. He walked over the the big sliding doors.
"Can some body help us, she's having a baby!" He yelled out once he got inside the building. Gotham General was the biggest hospital in all of Gotham, the walls were a pristine white and the floors were a white and black marble looking ceramic tile type of flooring. Nurses quickly ran over to you, grabbing a wheel chair and placing you in it as they wheeled up up towards the birthing unit, encouraging you to breathe as your labour went on. J followed quickly, walking beside the wheel chair, holding your hand as you squeezed his as tight as possible. He caressed your hand gently as you squeezed his hand firmly
"Damn! I had no idea you were this strong," he said as the nurses wheeled you into the elevator, taking you up to the room where you would give birth to your baby. You were excited to meet him for the first time but were sad that you would no longer be carrying the little guy. You finally got up to the birthing floor and were wheeled to your room, it was a pretty private room, no one else was in the room but you, there were a bunch of machines set up.
"Okay we're gonna help you up on to the bed now." The nurses said as they lowered the bed so you could sit on it so you could get in position to give birth.
"This is so exciting." J said as he went beside the bed so you could hold his hand. The doctor came in
"So will you be getting an epidural?" The doctor asked as he looked at your fiancé.
"Yes sir." You nodded
"And this is the father I'm assuming?" He asked as he studied J carefully.
"Yes sir."
"Well congratulations to the both of you, I'll just get you set up and we'll be brining this baby into the world in no time." He smiled as he prepared everything
*a while later*

After a few hours of painful and hard labour, the only sound in the room after all the grunting and groaning you had done when giving birth was the sweet soft cries of your baby. After being whipped down and cleaned up he was placed in your arms, his little body fit so perfectly there, he had J's piercing blue eyes, your lips, J's facial structure and also his nose.
"He's beautiful." J whispered as he looked down at his son.
"What's his name gonna be?" The nurse asked.
"Jack" (which if you don't know, this was the name they called Joker in the movie "The killing Joke" before he became insane of course) ou said as you look at the baby, not being able to take your eyes off of the beautiful baby that was laying in your arms, looking around at the world around him.  You looked up at J and he smiled back down at you,
"This is the best day of my life" he spoke as he reached down and rubbed the baby's hands softly.
"Me too J, Me too."

(30th CHAPTER!!! Tbh I can't wait for this day to come for me in real life, I'll probably still be writing stories on here at that point 😂 but you guys should go follow my instagram, I'll follow you guys back: @hoeallimua ❤️❤️❤️)

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