Chapter 37- I wonder

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You sat in the bathroom on the counter as J helped clean the gashes on your back, you winced with every touch, as he gently pressed a cotton ball on the open wounds made by your coffee cup, which still lies on the cold kitchen floor. You knew the floor there too would be stained as Ivy's cold body lies there, dripping blood from the bullet wound she received just moments earlier. You cringed at the thought of the blood seeping through the cracks of the tile, staining the gap between them with a muted dark red that would forever brand the memory of Ivy's lifeless dead body slumping over you.
"You can never win in a town like Gotham." You gripped the bathroom counter as J cleaned the blood around your shoulder blades, gently pushing your bloody hair away from the wounds.
"I learned that a long time ago, darling." He said as he slowly turned you around to face him, kissing your forehead gently.
"Just gotta learn how to roll with the punches."
"J, two people have tried to kill me already in less than a year." You said, looking up at him fearfully, tears welling up in your eyes as you spoke.
He brought you in for a hug, making sure to be gentle near your back. You hugged him tightly, not letting yourself cry. But someone was crying and that was Jack.
"Oh no, someone's waking up a little unhappy." You sighed.
"You go take a shower, I'll get Jack and I'll get frost to clean up everything downstairs," J spoke as he helped you off of the counter. 
"You know, I wonder sometimes how life will be for Jack. I'm so worried about how Gotham will treat him." You said as you walked towards the cupboard where you kept the towels.
"He'll be tough." He said as he walked out into the room, picking Jack up, swaying him gently. You turn on the shower, getting in, wincing as the water runs over your cuts. J pops his head in.
"Don't worry, I'll bandage your back when you're finished." He shut the door, leaving you to shower. You began to wash the blood, that was now caking up, out of your hair. You scrubbed your scalp gently, causing the water bellow your feet to turn red as you washed away the dried up blood. Once finished you got out of the shower, carefully wrapping a towel around your body. J knocked on the door softly.
"Can I come in?" He asked from the other side of the door.
"Yes, of course." You said as you watched the knob of the door turn. J walked in, gauze in his hand, as he was about to bandage your back. As he wrapped the bandages around your back you winced slightly,  as the wounds were still slightly tender.
"There you go," J says, fixing the gauze on your back, J leaves, walking down to the kitchen to check up on Frost. You walk to the bedroom, carefully lifting Jack out of his crib, his cries soon fade out as he looks up at you, a small smile spreading across his face as he looks at you.
"You just wanted some attention, huh?" You ask as he looks up at you, pressing his face into your neck, babbling as he wraps his arms around your neck tightly.
"Such a happy baby." You smiled at him and placed him down on your bed tickling him gently as he giggled and squirmed. You leaned over pecking all over his face as he giggled, placing two tiny hands on your forehead while you kissed his cheeks.
 "Everything is all clean down there," J said, coming back upstairs.
"Okay, I'll change Jack's diaper and be down soon."'you spoke with a smile, as you felt Jack's foot rest on your leg.
"Let me just take a shower babe, I'll be downstairs soon." He said, grabbing a towel as he made his way into the bathroom as you placed Jack on the change table. He kicked his feet and squirmed as you tried to change his diaper.
"Honey, please stay still for mommy." You spoke, leaning down to kiss his belly. You felt his hands on to of your head, giggling as he touched your hair gently. ( then when you least expect it they just pull your hair so hard 😒😂) You finally change Jack, placing him in a light blue onesie. You walked down the stairs into the kitchen, holding Jack in your arms and took a bottle out of the fridge for him. You soon hear footsteps coming down the stairs, you look up to see J. He walks towards you and Jack, lifting Jack into his arms, holding him gently.
"What a morning," You sigh, leaning back on the counter, placing a hand on your forehead, rubbing it gently as you thought. Jack smiled and babbled, resting his hands on J's pale face. You smiled at the two of them.
"You're such a cutie Jack." You walked towards the two boys, planting a kiss on both of them as you smoothed Jack's dark hair down. 
"Quite the interesting morning," J commented as he looked around at the floor, inspecting it for a single trace of leftover blood.
You looked down at the floor, a chill running down your spine as you realize you would always have flashbacks of Ivy. She was beautiful, up until the point where her blood was splattered all over you, but even then she was still pretty. But what did she mean by Harley was her's? 

"What did Ivy mean?" You said out loud as you looked up at J, who was fixated on his son.
"Back when I was with Harley, Harley and Ivy met, I'm not sure how exactly but they did. I wasn't the best to Harley... Always abusing her and such, Ivy was always convincing Harley that I wasn't good for her. Always convincing her to leave me and then one day she finally did! What a blessing." he sighed. You laughed and place a hand on his cheek gently, pressing your lips to his softly.

"I wonder how many other people are gonna try to kill me.." You laughed as you looked at J.

(HEYYY GUYSS! QOTD: What are your plans for Valentine's day?? Reading my story I hope bc of the new chapter that's being released that day! ;) Can't wait to post that special chapter! Chapter 40 will be released on Valentine's day!) Love you all so very much!

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