Chapter 65- 1st Birthday

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~A/N: The action will come back don't worry, had to get this shit over with.~

The next day was Jack's birthday and although he had absolutely no idea what was going on, you knew he'd be ecstatic once he saw all the toys he was getting for his birthday. J walked in as you picked Jack up out of his crib.
"Goodmorning, my sweet, busy day today." He singsonged as he did up the buttons of his white shirt.

"So much to do in such little time." You wrapped your arms around him from behind, kissing his neck as he pulled his blazer on. Jack hugged his dad, pressing his face to J's back, snuggling up to the warmth that J produced.

"I'm so excited for him." you giggled as J turned around, taking the two of you in his arms.

"We also have big plans tomorrow but, you're gonna have to drop Jack off at your mom's."  He smirked as he leaned down and kissed your neck, bitting at your skin ever so softly..You giggled as he nipped and tugged at the skin on your neck, you stood on your tiptoes and kissed his lips gently and smiled at him as he looked down at you.
What exactly are we doing tomorrow?" You asked as you looked up at his eyes, questioningly.
"It's a surprise babygirl." He replied. You shrugged, not wanting to prod anymore, deciding it would be best to just go and get the party set up as guests would be over at the house soon at any time and you wanted Jack's birthday party to be great. You pulled away from his arms "Gotta go set up the party," You smiled at him and walked towards downstairs to set everything up. You placed him in his playpen with a few toys and a little blanket while you went to go set up the drinks, the food and the cake for his party.
"Momma will be right back, just gonna get everything ready for you." You kissed the top of his head as you walked towards the kitchen, getting all the stuff you had purchased, still making sure that Jack was still in your sights. Once you got all the stuff and lugged it over to the table, you began to place everything neatly on the table.  You placed the tablecloth on the table to protect it from any spills or mishaps that could occur. You then began placing the drinks and snack food on top. You then decided to decorate the place with streamers and balloons. You strung the brightly coloured streamers from one end of the house to the other, making the house look extra colourful for Jack. After you finished decorating the house, you stood back, admiring your hard work.

"You did well." You said to yourself with a chuckle as you walked back to Jack's playpen, picking him up.

"The guests should be here soon." You said to him as you kissed the tip of his nose, as you did he let out a little giggle. You walked around with him, holding him in your arms as you approached the window to look outside at the large fluffy clouds that slowly crept across the bright blue sky. You thought about life before J, life before you had given birth to your beautiful son that you had now held in your arms. You knew you hadn't "changed" The infamous Joker, he had just been like that with you and his son. He obviously still killed and hurt people (as shown in previous chapters) and was still the same lunatic, he was just different with you and Jack and wasn't the clown prince of crime, to you he was your husband, to the outside world, he was a lunatic.

"Some guests are here." J interrupted your thoughts, he didn't sound too happy as he didn't like guests so much, or people he didn't really know being inside of his house, but you promised him that you would block off the doors and the staircase so no one would be snooping.

"Cheer up babe." You giggled and kissed his cheek as you walked towards the door, allowing the guests that had just arrived to come inside.
Soon enough everyone was having a blast, mingling around and eating snacks, it was great. There was a huge pile of gifts on the table next to the snacks that consisted of gifts for Jack and you were more excited than Jack to see what he had gotten. Pretty soon, you had decided it was time to sing happy birthday to Jack. You carried him into the kitchen, taking out the cake single-handedly. 

"Cake time everyone." You called out into the house. People started gathering into the kitchen as you sat Jack down in his highchair and made your way back to the cake to light the candles. You held the cake as you all sang happy birthday to him and when you were finished you blew it out and took the candles out so Jack could see his cake.

Jack looked down at his cake, totally uninterested, as you had already planned but just as Jack looked up, J dug a finger in and placed caked on Jack's face, causing the baby to cry. "Awh J." You giggled and nudged him as you picked your son up, while J snickered to himself. You handed off Jack to J so he could deal with him and watched as your son, for the first time, took a swing at J. His little hand flying through the air trying to make contact with his father's face while J held him out away from his body, trying not to get hit by the angry one year old that had just learned what the feeling of anger was. You looked back at the two of them and laughed as you cut the cake for everyone.
"Like father, like son" You snickered as you rolled your eyes. 

~What's J's surprise for (Y/N)? Find out next chapter! Alsoooo I'm so Sorry this took so long, I got caught up in other fanfictions and was still shook af because I HIT 100K AND I AM SOOOO THANKFUL!! 

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