Chapter 55- Joker and (Y/N)

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As you drove home, your hands gripped the wheel tightly as you thought of the events that had just happened. You thought about Bruce constantly looking down at his hand after you shook it, You thought about him thinking you look familiar, and Jack, you thought about how he studied Jack's face carefully. You arrived home and took Jack out of the car, taking him inside. 
"J? Where are you?" You asked him worriedly as your heels clicked across the wood floor, searching for your husband in the large house. a shirtless J came strolling down the stairs.
"Hello, darling. How was everything with your sister?" he asked with a smile, your worried expression caused his smile to fall as he looked at you, worry now plastered to his face.
"I think it was a mistake. Bruce kept looking at Jack, he told me I sounded familiar, said Jack looked like someone he knew." You looked up at J, who now had a sleeping Jack in his arms, slowly rocking him back and forth. You heard a beep from your phone, probably your sister.
You looked down at your phone and sure enough, it was your sister. 

"It's (Y/S/N)." You opened the text message. 

(Y/S/N): We need to talk about something important. Call me as soon as possible.

You looked at your phone, reading it carefully over and over again. You looked back up at J nervously.
"What do you think it is?" You asked him as you began to pace around the room, a cold clammy hand place on your forehead as you stressed more and more about the situation. 

"Well, it could be anything really. Maybe she has a surprise for you or uhm, I don't know, Maybe she's pregnant. Having little Batbabies." He looked disgusted after saying the last part of his sentence.  "Imagine that... Little Batman babies, having more than one Batman in Gotham." at this point he looked like he was about to barf, thinking of there being another Batman alongside the original Batman himself. You paced around more, thinking of all the possibilities as they swirled around in your head. 

"Maybe I should stop worrying and just message her, maybe it's not even that big of a deal." You said, trying to keep your cool as you internally panicked. You stared at your phone nervously. 

"Well, I guess I'll never know what she want's to talk to me about until I call."You dialled her number and put the phone to your ear, waiting for her to pick up. She answered, sending your stomach into your throat as you got more and more anxious.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" She said, her voice was cheery but you still had anxiety welled up inside as you still didn't know what she was going to say to you. 

"Hey, (Y/S/N)!" You said in a fake happy tone, trying to hide how anxious you were. 
"How are you?" She asked, you truly just wished she would get to the point. 

"I'm good, and how are you?" You asked, trying your hardest to keep your composure.

"I'm good thanks for asking."Her voice was happy. "Listen, I had a great time with you today, and it was so nice meeting Jack." You waited for her to continue "But, I have a few questions for you." She said as your stomach sank. Your hands, now sweating again, you nodded, forgetting she couldn't see you. 

"Y-Yeah, of course... Ask me anything you want." You tried to sound happy but the anxiety was quickly taking over. You began to pace around the room again, until J came next to you, holding you close to him as he ran a hand through your hair, rubbing your back to comfort you.

"Joker. You're with him, no?" She asked in a serious tone."And Jack... Jack is his baby. You had a child with the Joker and Jack is the Joker's offspring." You almost collapsed as warm tears started flowing down your cheeks. You looked up at J as he held you to his chest. 

"Y-yes." You whispered out into the receiver of the phone, trying your hardest not to sob into the phone, the guilt rushing over you for lying to your sister. 

"And you did get married." She said, she was calm, a reaction you never expected. 

"Yes, I did. I had a kid with him, I married him, I fell in love with him." You were sobbing now at this point

"And you wear foundation on your skin because...?" She trailed off waiting for you to answer her question. 

"Because I use it to look normal. I used it bc my skin tone is gone because of an accident that happened when I fell into a vat of chemicals." You spoke as you looked at your feet. In this moment you wanted to hang up and go hide forever, you wanted to melt to the floor and just not go on any longer with this. 

"Bruce was right." She said, her tone of voice said she was disappointed. You stared down at your feet, not bothering to look up. 

"He's not as bad as you may think." Your tone was defensive, you knew your husband was a harsh criminal, but he would never harm Jack. "He's a good dad." 

"You're delusional." Your sister spoke, J hugged you tightly, kissing Jack on his head as he looked down at you, solidifyig your argument. 

"I'm not, I see what you don't." You spoke, getting more defensive.

"You're lucky we don't call child services." She said gruffly, your eyes went wide as she said that to you. Your own sister trying to have your child taken away from you. 

"And you're lucky I don't reveal the both of your identities." You hung up the phone without another word.

A/N: My NEW story is set to release on February 14, 2018, which is obviously Valentine's day. And I am sooooo excited for it to come out, I'm going to put like 3 chapters out the first few chapters to come out, I've been planning this story for so long and I'm super happy with it so far!

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