Chapter 32- Red n Green (Christmas Edition)

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Christmas was just around the corner and you were so excited to finally be able to decorate the Christmas tree, you were also excited because it was the baby's first Christmas. You had already picked out his outfit, a little elf, and if that didn't work you had a back up plan... A reindeer, complete with little antlers and a tail. You had purchased all the presents and had even already started wrapping them, but then again, Christmas was only 2 days away.
As you walked downstairs you gazed upon the living room, J had set up the white lights beautifully. They had been placed around the window so their light glow could be seen outside as well.
"Shall we set up the tree, darling?" You asked as you motioned over at the box that contained the fake Christmas tree.
"Sure thing baby, I'll move Jack's playpen while you open up the box," he took Jack's playpen, dragging it across the floor slowly as Jack looked up at his father with wide and curious eyes.
"Just moving you so we can set up the christmas tree, buddy" he spoke softly to Jack. J pushed a few of his toys next to him, placing a plush rubber elephant, which was for teething but you let Jack have it anyway, in Jacks soft little hand, Jack quickly started to chew on the elephant, his gums not doing much damage. You giggled as the toy squeaked in Jack's mouth.
You came up behind J and hugged him softly, wrapping your arms around his waist while placing your head on his shoulder.
"We made that" you smiled happily as you watched your son smile up at his parents.
"We sure did babygirl" he turned and kissed your cheek.
"Now how bout that Christmas tree." He turned on his heel and walked towards the christmas tree, taking the three parts out and putting them together quickly.
"Well that was quick." You spoke as you got the box for decorations and opened it, it was filled with ornaments, shinny sparkly beads and a ton of lights. You quickly began decorating the tree, carefully stringing the multicoloured lights around the tree, adding the ornaments and placing the beads around.
"It looks great," you said, walking over to the baby and picking him up, walking him to the christmas tree to look at it. He out stretched a tiny hand to grab onto a light that had caught his eye, specifically a green one, which would explain why he always goes for J's hair. You moved his hand away from the light, giving him his elephant. He looked at the tree in awe, his eyes focused on the ornaments that gleamed in the light of the christmas lights that were sporadically  placed on the large tree. You were so excited to be able to spend Christmas with the baby and J and just have a great Christmas with your family.
"Did a good job decorating babe." J smiled and kissed the top of your head. Jack outstretched a tiny little hand once more, reaching for his dad's brightly coloured green hair.
"Oh no you don't mr. I'm not falling for that again, last time you did that, you pulled out a bunch. Daddy will be losing his hair soon enough, I don't need you speeding up the process." He laughed and kissed Jack's little nose.
You laughed and kissed J's jaw and looked up at him and back down at your baby, taking in both of their features. Jack resembled J a lot, it was so cute, he's like a minnie version of the Joker, with half the DNA.
" can you hold Jack while I get the presents to put under the tree?" You asked as you held Jack out towards J.
Jack giggled and squirmed as he was placed into J's arms.
"Such a happy little baby " you thought to yourself as you walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom where you kept all the gifts. You brought as many as you could carry downstairs and placed them under the tree, then going back and taking a second upstairs and getting the rest, again, taking as much as you could carry.
"It would be more fun if Jack was older, we'd hear him run down the stairs in the morning to see what Santa brought and then he's come get us." You smiled at your smiley baby that was fixated on his dad's bright green hair.
"Soon enough he will, I mean, look at how big he is already. Soon he'll start speaking, of course his first word is gonna be daddy," J snickered as he smirked at you deciously, in hopes that Jack would say daddy first, which of course, in J's mind meant that he was the favourite parent
"and walking too. I don't want my little guy to grow up." J exclaimed as he snuggled Jack, nearly giving Jack the opportunity to get ahold of J's hair.
"Oh no ya don't" J took Jacks hand away from his hair quickly.
"You have a strong interest in bright colours huh?"
"And his first word will be mommy, thank you very much." You scoffed and smirked as you made your way upstairs.
A few days later it was finally Christmas, you and J both walked down the stairs to make your way to the christmas tree where you, Jack, and J, would unwrap your Christmas gifts.
By the end of all the unwrappings, Jack had received books, toy cars, a new bright green blanket, new bottles (although it was more for you, for his feeding), and a few new pacifiers.
J had received a new gold gun, a nice new suit, and a new pair of shoes. You had received a new iPhone, 200 dollars, a gift card to go shopping at your favourite store, a few more things for the baby, and a new laptop.
Over all it was a great Christmas, and Jack seemed to be enjoying his new toys, J was playing around with his new things, and you were obviously doing some online shopping. Next, is new years!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and/or Holidays ❤️❤️❤️ Mine was amazing! Here's the update though!

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