Chapter 46- Amusement

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~**Time Skip**~

Towards the end of your vacation J was acting quite odd. You couldn't put your finger on why he was acting strange but you knew something was up. Now you were on your way back home with less than an hour to go and you noticed his foot tapping more aggressively. As the plane touched down it was almost as if J jumped out of the plane.

"What are you so excited for?" You asked him as he quickly collected the baggage.
"I have some business to attend to," he spoke as he rounded up the stuff and called for Frost to come and get us. Within minutes Frost was there to take us home in a large black SUV. He loaded your bags in as you put Jack in his car seat and ran to the front driver's seat.
"So how was the vacation, boss?" Frost asked, keeping his eyes on the road as J sat in the passenger seat. You sat in the back, next to Jack, watching your husband as he spoke, getting suspicious of what his "business" was.
"Simply splendid," he replied with a cackle. "Now let's go," he said in a serious tone of voice.

Frost drove up to the house.

"I'll have Frost drop off the bags late, you take Jack and I'll be back soon" J spoke as he looked back at you from the front seat.

"Oh... Okay," You said, slightly confused. You thanked Frost and stepped out of the vehicle taking Jack out of his car seat and grabbing his baby bag, as you made your way towards the house J's SUV sped off. You watched and wondered yet again what he was up to. You didn't stay out for long though, it was late, dark and foggy outside and you didn't want poor Jack getting sick. You went in, placing Jack's baby-bag next to the stairs...

Meanwhile ...

J had changed inside of the car into a nice suit, fit for a business meeting. He quickly got out of the car, placing his hat on his head as he went towards the large amusement park (Carnival)
"Ahh, there you are!So, had enough time to look over the property? It's what you're looking for?" The owner of the park asked J as he looked around the park. The park owner was a little bit on the shorter side and a bit plump, although J towered over him, making him look tiny. He wore a brown jacket and brown jeans and he, too, wore a hat, although his hat was much different from J's.
"Well, it's garish ugly and smells like piss. Can't quite make out whether its bums or rats, but it's piss. I'm a connoisseur when it comes to eau de toilette." J laughed as he swung his cane around (if you know this film you'll know I cut out the part where he talks about injuring kids, I thought it was a bit contradictory as, of course, he has a small child.)

"So you don't like it?" The park owner had worry written all over his face as he looked up at J.

"Don't like it? I'm crazy for!" J chuckles, swinging his cane once more.
"Okay, okay, that's great. So the price with what you've mentioned, we can negotiate," The owner spoke, J cut him off abruptly, his blood red lips curving up into a large grin as he spoke.

"No need to, sure your price is steep, but as I look around, all I can see is I'll be making a killing. And Money? Not a problem... Not anymore."

"Let me tell you something. You aren't gonna regret buying this place," he spoke as he rocked back and forth on some kind of rocking seahorse it appeared to be. "It isn't as bad as it looks," he said as he continued rocking back and forth.

"I hope you're wrong about that," J said as he looked down at the puddle next to his feet.

"Aw come on, with a little spit and polish you'll have yourself one hell of a carnival." The owner spoke with a bright smile on his face, a smile that would soon be plastered there. J chuckled

"oh you are so right, and thanks to your smooth salesmanship and your silver tongue, I'm completely sold. Let's shake on it, seal the deal, Yano?" J grinned a devious grin, flashing his grill as he stuck out a cold pale hand, waiting for the man to accept.
"Sure, why not." The man smiled, grabbing J's hand as he shook it vigorously. Just then 2 shadowed figures ran by, they were small but fast as they ran, keeping in the shadow.
"W-who are they?" the frightened man asked as he continuously looked around his surroundings, making sure he was safe from whatever was lurking around the park.

"Oh! Spit and Polish, my attorneys " J's smile grew as the man's smile did too. "They persuaded your partner to sign over the deed about an hour ago. This park belongs to me now. " He smiled, swinging his cane as he whistled, walking out of the park.
"Step one complete," He grinned as he looked at the now frozen stiff smile of what used to be the owner of the park. Dead. He cackled and skipped out of the park happily.

"Now to find Barbra Gordon." He grinned.

(Just a little disclaimer here, these few chapters tie into the killing Joke and obviously cause I'm afraid of DC coming for me, I changed elements of the story. Such as the Jokers backstory and how it ties into the killing joke as well as I have taken out scenes that were in there. BUT I hope you all enjoy!!)

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