Chapter 4

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Shawn's POV:

When she said that it was just a breaking. I don't know her so good but I know that I can't lose her. If I'm with her I can be myself and she don't scream when she see me and she treats me like a friend not a star.

S: But can we be friends?
P: Ofc we can! I actually wanted to ask you
S: Good because I don't wanna lose you Petra.
P: Me neither Shawn.

She hugged me tight and I hugged back. She was so small, it's so cute.

We just laid on the ground and watched the sky. Her head was on my chest.

Me: Are you still awake?
P: Yes. I'm just thinking bout something.
Me: About what. - I looked down to her and she looked up so we looked in each other's eyes.
P: You are going back to Canada and to your tour and we will never see each other.. that makes me sad.
Me: Don't say that Petra! I will FaceTime you and we will text everyday! I promise
P: Please no promises, cause we won't keep our promise.- I crooned.

We started to laughing and slowly we got up and get into the car. We drove back to Petra and she invited me in.

P: If you want you can stay here. My parents are gone for the weekend and you don't have to stay in a hotel.
Me: Sounds good - I smiled.

Petra's POV:

I hear the doorbell and I opened the door. Lisa stood there with her stuffs she needs. I told her about Shawn and everything when my Mom was calling me so I picked up the phone

Mom: Hey honey everything ok?
Me: Hey Mom yeah why?
Mom: I just heard that there could be storms.
Me: No nothing yet.
Mom: Ok but if you or your brother needs something just call us ok?
Me: Ok mom thank you.
Mom: Bye. luv you
Me: bye mom love ya too

" Daniel! " I screamed. After 5 seconds my brother was downstair. " What happened?". Okay my Mom called me and she said that there could be storms so we have to stay save now you can get back in your room and play with your 'friend' or what ever you're doing. He glared at me and went back in his room.

L: Okay so what are we doing now?
S: We could watch horror movies?
Me: Are you serious? Outside it storms and you wanna watch horror movie?! - I looked at Shawn like ' are you crazy?'
L: Omg yes I love horror movies! - said Lisa and the she looked me and smiled
P: I will kill you Lisa.- I glared at her and mumbled.

I went into the kitchen to see what kind of snacks we have. " Okey so we have chips, pretzel, muffin, popcorn and some gum " I said and I put down everything on the table. They both smiled like little kids.

Me: Do you really wanna watch horror? - I whined
S: It's not that bad and you can sit in the middle so I'm here to protect you!
L: Yeah and I'm on your other side
Me: Ugh fine what ever.
S: So we can start with Conjuring 2 or Paranormal Activity 3

Shawn looked at me and I said " Neither" and smiled at him. He smiled and rolled his eyes. Then he looked at Lisa "Conjuring 2" she said. " I thought you love me" - I whispered.
S: Okay we can start.

After like 20 minutes I already screamed and had my first heart attack. They both laughed at me and I just glared at them. " Come here" - said Shawn and he put his arm over my shoulder so my head was half on his shoulder. After we finished the movie the power went out. I was shocked I started saying " Shawn do something! Now! " Okay you two stay here I'm back in 1 min. After he went downstairs to look after what happened Lisa and me heard something from the kitchen. Something fell down so we just went in and used the light from our phone. There was nobody but a spoon fell down. " Lisa what happened" - I asked and I started to cry, I was so scared. After that we heard something from the living room. Somebody just threw a pillow at us. I screamed so loud I can and I threw my phone away. I cried so hard. I hate this fact about me that it's so easy to scare me. We still don't know who this is. I screamed to Daniel and he answered. It was dark and we heard footsteps. I don't know who this is but he came to us. I started to kick him and hit him and he started to laughing. It was my brother and Shawn. The power came back so we could see them. " Why?!" - I asked sobbing. They saw that I cried and Lisa was laughing at me. " I'm sorry but I had to" - said Shawn and he hugged me but I pushed him away. " I heard that you're watching horror so I turned the power off and then I told Shawn about the plan" - said Daniel laughing. " That's not funny! I had an heart attack!!" - I said it a lil bit loud. " I'm sorry I didn't know that you are afraid. " - said Shawn. " Okay I forgive you but you! - I pointed at Daniel - you know how easy it is to scare the shit out of me! " " I know I scared you 10000 times " - he laughed.

After I calm down we went into my room. " Wow your bed is really big and it's really comfortable " - said Shawn while he jumped onto my bed. " Thank you " - I laughed.
" Okay so Shawn you'll sleep on this side, I will sleep in the middle and Lisa you'll sleep on the right side "- I smiled and they nod.

Shawn's POV:

It's already 2am but I can't sleep. Petra is on my chest. I can't see if she sleeps or not so I whispered really silent " Petra, are you awake?" She doesn't say anything but she nods. " I'm still scared" - she said but I could hear her silent laugh. I put my arm over her and I pulled her closer to me and we fell asleep.

Sorry if it's too long 😄 but I really like this chapter. Don't forget to vote

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