25- Hospital

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Bakugou's POV:

Once we get outside, I'm bombarded with questions from classmates. "Fuck off!! Can't you see she needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible?!" I snap.

They go silent and part, so I can get to the ambulance. We get in, and go straight to the hospital. The hero speaks up.

"You didn't see Aizawa or No. 13, did you," They sigh. "I'd better tell you..."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Aizawa was snapped like a twig by that mutant apparently. His arms are riddled with comminuted fractures, and he's suffering from facial fractures as well... Thankfully, out of sheer luck he didn't receive any brain damage. It's just... Well the bones around his eye socket area, his 'orbital floor,' have been crushed into a powder. There's a chance it may affect his eyesight. At least that's what I was told.

As for No. 13, I fear his upper arms and back have sustained serious lacerations. That being said, his vitals appear to be stable. The same goes for All Might; he's not in critical condition either. He's being brought to the infirmary to be treated by Recovery Girl as we speak." They look at their phone which kept going off. "It appears the boy with the broken legs and finger is going to the infirmary as well."

"Was anyone else injured?" I ask.

"No. Well, aside from you...! What happened to your arms?! Is that from carrying her?!" I slowly nod. "We'll make sure you're treated when we get the hospital as well."

"I don't need it; I'll be fine." I argue.

"You need to get those burns tended to or they may scar." They say sternly.
"I'm okay though!"

"No. You're getting those tended to and that's that.

"Tch, whatever." I gently squeeze Y/n's limp hand. It burns but I don't give a damn.

"Kid, I know you're worried about her but please, you're making your burns worse." The doctor in the ambulance frowns. Sighing, I release her hand and look at my arms. Blistering burns covered them. Painful, but bearable.

When we reach the hospital, a nurse leads me into a different room than Y/n. "Your friend needs to get tended to in peace. Also, they're going to need to take her shirt off to bandage her wounds so you can't be in there anyways." He explains.

"Yeah..." I take my seat on the bed and look around.

"You did a pretty good job stopping the blood. That was good thinking." He looks over his shoulder at me while he prepares the things he'll need to help my burns.

"It wasn't good enough. She was right in front of me, and I-I couldn't do anything to help her... She already hit her head really hard. I should have made her sit back... It's all my fault..." The nurse stops me from rambling on.

"Hey, you got her here alive, and isn't that an accomplishment in itself? I was told what happened and I'm impressed there's only a few serious injuries. With something of that scale, you'd expect a few deaths in there," He takes a deep breath. "Now, let me see what I can do for your burns. I gotta use medicine first, but after that I can use my quirk."

I lay back on the bed and close my eyes. The nurse cleans up the burns and scratches and after a few minutes he stops. "Alright, there's that. I'm going to heal them with my quirk now, okay?" I nod and feel a tingling. It stops and I look down. The skin on my arms and upper body is a little pink, but other than that it's perfectly healed.


"Alright, I still need to wrap where you got hurt. Don't do anything excessive, and treat it like you would if the burns were still there. My quirk doesn't fully heal, it just prevents scarring, and closes wounds."

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