28- Training

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"Hey Bakugou, Kirishima! You two are pretty buff and stuff so wanna do mock fights? Like without our quirks?" The two boys pause as they pack their books up at the end of the next day.

"Yeah sure! You mean tonight?" Kirishima looks excited.

Bakugou rolls his eyes. "No. I have other training to do. You can't suddenly start working out and sparring and expect to get strong in two weeks." He goes to walk out the door, but you catch his sleeve.

Bakugou turns to you with a glare on his face. "Please? It's not like I haven't been working out or anything. I go to the gym every night after school since the year before last, and I train at home, too. I just figured since I beat everyone at the gym and my bro moved out you guys would be good. Better than a punching bag at least." You grumble.

"...Fine. But I'm not holding back, got it?" He sighs. Kirishima and you cheer and head out the door. The three of you agree to meet at the gym near your house so you could fight. They had a large room specifically for that.

When you get there you meet Kirishima and Bakugou at the doors. The hall had a large desk at the front and you showed the lady sitting there your membership. She knew you by name though so she didn't need to see it. Bakugou and Kirishima followed you further down the hall to where the change rooms were located.

"Right so once we change we'll go to that room with the dent in the door over there." You point down the hall. A passing man laughs when you say that.

"You were pretty worked up that day, huh, Y/n." He laughs.

"Wait did N/n dent the door?" Kirishima asks.

"Well more like she was the one who threw the guys into the door that dented it!" He laughs and walks away.

"Huh?!" Before the two boys can ask anymore questions you disappear into the girls change room.

You quickly changed into a sports bra, loose fitting tank top, and tight fitting exercise leggings. You laced your runners (I'm Canadian shh) up, and pulled your hair back. You hurry to shut your bag and head to the door.

You could hear voices coming from the training room and push the door open. Bakugou was wearing a grey tank top along with baggy black shorts. Kirishima wore a white tank top with red sweat pants.

Bakugou couldn't help but stare at you. "Alright stretching before anything else." The two boys nod and you each go through your usual stretches.

"You two done?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah." Bakugou nods.

"One sec just finishing up now," You reply. As you finish the door opens and a few people walk in. The man who passed by you three earlier, a girl who looked to be in her second or third year (hs), and a boy who appeared to be your age.

"Hey Y/n~! You're not going to spar with me today?" He pouts as he saunters up to you.

"Nah, I'm going to fight these two today." You laugh as he swings his arm around your shoulder.

"Aww~" He looks Bakugou and Kirishima over. "Can I join?"

"Who the hell-" Bakugou starts to glare at your friend before Kirishima cuts him off.

"Hi! I'm Kirishima Eijiro and that's Bakugou Katsuki. We go to Yuuei with N/n." He smiles and holds his fist out to fist bump your friend.

"The name's Yamamoto Hikaru, but you can call me Hikaru." He smiles. His spiked peachy hair was held back in a pale blue headband and he wore matching t-shirt with a peach and that read Peachy on it as well as dark blue shorts.

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