4- That's what being a hero is all about!

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Luckily for you, the angry ball of blond, and Plain Kid™ (lmao sorry I had to) were in different area's as you. The less people you know, the less distractions there are. "Woo hoo! I'm so pumped!" You cheer as you step towards the gate that would lead you into the exam.

A boy with spikey yellow hair walks up to you. A boy with red hair follows. "Hey, I'm Kaminari Denki."

The red head smiles. "And I'm Kirishima Eijirou. What's your name?"

You smile at the two guys in front of you. They were both pretty cute. "I'm-"

"And start!! Well, what are you waiting for? Go!!" Present Mic interrupts you.

"Sorry gotta blast!" You laugh as you run ahead into the mock city. You spot a three pointer right away. "Ha, you're mine!" You shout happily as you smash it with a burning fist. You were wearing a f/c tank top, matching f2/c and f/c shorts, f/c runners with f2/c details, and f2/c gloves.

A few minutes later, and you were at 36 points. "Alriightt!! Six minutes remaining!!" Present Mic tells us. You see Kaminari, and give him a quick wave before jumping on a robot and smashing into him with your feet aflame.

You continue hopping from robot to robot, smashing and lighting them as you go. "Alright! That's another twelve points!"

Just as you're about to smash a robot, you hear a loud rumbling. Before you hit the robot, debris falls down around you, so you use your fire like jet's and fly backward. "W-what the heck?! That's too big!!" You hear Kaminari shout.

You look up and gasp. Right in front of you, the giant zero pointer looms over you. You see it's arm pummel downward, but before it gets close to you, Kaminari and Kirishima jump at you to push you out of the way. As the three of you hit the ground a few meters away from where it hit, you hear someone scream. Four of the other examinees were caught by the rubble.

"C'mon guys! Help me save them before they get crushed!" You tell the two boys who already saved you. You'll have to thank them later.

"You got it!" Kaminari shouts.

"On it!" Kirishima runs with you and Kaminari towards the fallen students as the others run away.

"Stay back!!" You leap at the huge robot, and make a wall of fire. It doesn't do much. Kaminari runs at it as well, and shoots electricity through its system. That stalls robot just long enough for the three of you to lift the four injured examinees out of the way.

"Thank you so much for saving us!" The four of them say.

"Don't worry about, that's what hero's are supposed to do, right?" You stand proud, one hand on your hip, and the other in a 'thumbs up' position, pointing towards your face. With the sun behind you, anyone who didn't know better would have mistaken you for an actual hero. "I'm off to get as many points as I can before times out, so see you soon!" You give the four students and the two boys a smile before dashing off.

"That's it, times uppp!!!" An alarm goes off, just after you score your fifty-second point. You had over to the students who you had just saved. You see Kaminari and Kirishima heading over as well.

"Can you guys walk?" Kirishima asks.

"Yeah don't worry about it."

"I'll be fine."

"I'm good but thanks for the help! We would have been crushed if it weren't for you three!"

"I need help standing, but I should be okay. I don't think I'm cut out for being a hero... You guys better become hero's for me, got that?"

"You bet!" You reply.

"We'll do our best!" Kaminari smiles.

"Yeah!" Kirishima knocks his fists together.

"Oh my, you four are lucky these three stepped in! Fortunately, you only have a few small injuries." An old granny walks up.

Oh! Isn't she... "Recovery Girl! The only reason we can have these risky tests!" Someone exclaims.

"There we go," She phases a kiss on each of the injured students, and their injuries heal.

"Thank you very much!" They say in unison.

"Hey you never told us your name, Miss Flamethrower." Kaminari says.

"Oh right! The name's L/n F/n, and you'd better not forget it!"

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