24- A Real Battle

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"Noumu, go ahead and finish explosion boy over there. We're rescuing our revolving door."

The mutant quirk villain breaks free of the ice, his right arm and leg breaking off. He shuffles forward a bit and you shiver in disgust.

"Wait, how is he moving?! Didn't half of his body just snap off?!" Midoriya asks in shock.

"Stand back, all of you!!!" Allmight yells as Noumu's body starts growing back. "What the?! Wasn't his quirk a shock absorption quirk?!"

The creepy hand villain explains. "I never said that was the full extent of his abilities. As you can see, he's also got 'super generation.' Noumu is a human sandbag artificially crafted to the height of physical fitness in order to withstand your 100%."

Just as you look towards Bakugou, Noumu launched himself towards him at an alarming rate. You see a huge blast of dust and it blocks your sight. You cover your face and at the same time as Midoriya and Kirishima, you scream, "Bakugou!!!/Kacchan!!!"

"Bakugou?!/Kacchan?!" Bakugou, instead of going flying away, appeared unharmed in front of you sitting on the ground.

"Y-you dodged him?! Wow...!!!!" Midoriya says in shock. You crouch down beside Bakugou to help him up.

Before you stand however, the dust starts to clear and you see All Might standing where Bakugou should have been. "...Do you not know of mercy?... These are mere children..." He asks.

"Ha! Mere children?" The hand villain scoffs. "We had no choice. We had to save our ally, didn't we? And not long ago, one of your kids over there... Ahhhhh, which one..... The plain looking one. He tried to punch me with all his strength, ya hear? A punch with that much power is enough to kill someone and he knows that. And for whom do you think he mustered such rocking acts of violence? Hmm, hero?

"Now listen here, All Might. I'm very ticked off! We're all categorized as either heroes or villains, but at the end of the day violence is violence. And who gets to decide right and wrong? Society does!! The 'Symbol of Peace'? Give me a break!! You're nothing more than a bludgeon of oppression yourself! Violence only breeds more violence. And once we kill you, that'll be made to the world!!"

"You're mad. You oughtta keep your antisocial viewpoints to yourself. Besides, be straight with me. You just want to get your kicks in." All Might says coolly.

"You saw through me so quickly..."

"It's 3 vs. 5." Todoroki points out.

"And Bakugou already weakened your warp gate." You say as the two of you stand. He stays silent and nods.

"These guys are outrageous but if we give All Might some support, then we'll send them running home with their tails between their legs no problem!!" Kirishima adds.

"No!!!! Please escape!!!" All Might shouts.

Todoroki talks back and says, "But if I hadn't come to support you earlier, it'd have been bad."

"Hey! We helped too!" You glare at him.

"All Might, you've got blood... And shouldn't you already be out of time...?! Ah...!" Midoriya mumbles to himself. You only hear the first bit of what he says.

"Right you are Todoroki my boy, and yes the rest of you as well, L/n my dear!! Thanks a ton!! But now I'll be okay!! All you need to do is watch a pro show you how it's done!!" All Might smiles back at us.

"Noumu, Black Mist, do your thing. I'll deal with the kids. Let's clear this game and return victorious!!" Before you realize it, the hand villain is right in front of you. "Let's start with you, pretty girl...!!"

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