Regarding my Absence

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Sorry guys, I don't think I'm going to be coming back to Wattpad. Maybe in a few months or a year or a few years or maybe never. I don't have time with all the work I have at school, and I felt bad leaving you all hanging here unsure if I was coming back or not. 

I may come and write small things on my account- maybe a short story, a poem, a random writing, or a short oneshot. 

I just wanted to warn you to not check on my account to see if I've finally updated and to say I greatly appreciate all the support you guys have given me even if I've been inactive for months. I don't currently have instagram either, so if you want to tell me anything the best option would be to comment on here or message me here on Wattpad and I'll see it the next time I'm logged in. 

Once again, thank you guys so much for appreciating my work. Writing here and having all the support you guys gave me makes me very happy and boosted my confidence and interest in writing.

Note: I will not have anyone else continue this for me, nor will I.

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