chapter one:

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"You have to get out of the house and get over Stephen." My best friend, Erica, is pulling at my arm to try to pry me off of the sofa. I should've never told her about him dumping me just earlier today and maybe I wouldn't be in this situation. He only broke up with me because he has to 'find himself' which I'm sure by that he means 'let me go out and f.uck as many girls as I possibly can in a week then I'll come crawling back to you for forgiveness' like he usually does but I'm not accepting him back this time because he really screwed up. I'm done being someone he comes back to when him and some other chick don't work out.

"Where are we even going to go?" I roll my eyes at how she's totally ignoring how I want to stay home and drown in my own sorrow and misery.

"Where all broken hearts go," she says, placing her hands on her hips and tilting her head to the side like it's something so obvious and I should already know. "the bar" she winks.

"What if I told you that I'm not broken hearted?" I ask and she just laughs as if she doesn't believe me, not even the slightest.

"Then you wouldn't be fighting me as much as you are. You never pass up a good time." She says and I agree with her.

"I guess you're right. I deserve to have a good time. Who knows, maybe I'll bump into my Romeo at the bar tonight?" I laugh at how convenient that would be, knowing that stuff only happens in books and in movies.

"That's right, get your up and get ready." She pulls me to my feet and drags me into the bedroom. She goes through literally every piece of clothing I have until she found what she thought suited me and threw it at me. It was a black mid-thigh dress with some silver high heels. The dress was what I always wore when we went out clubbing but I hadn't been in over two years because I only go when I'm single and the past few times I was with Stephen.

She looked through my clothes and picked out something for her to wear as well, knowing it don't bother me when she does that because we are practically family anyways.

I put on my outfit and took my hair out of the ponytail it was in and let my waves hang down my shoulders. I put on eyeliner and mascara so it look like I put at least a little bit of effort into my appearance tonight. I sat in the living room waiting for Erica to finish getting ready. It usually takes her about an hour so I just scroll through my newsfeed on Instagram and Facebook to wait on her.

Finally when she's done she comes back out and she looks absolutely stunning. She's wearing a red dress that goes to her knees and has a slit running up the left side with black heels. Her hair is put up in one of those beautiful messy buns that only certain people (not me) can pull off.

"Are you ready?" She asks, grabbing her wallet and her phone as we make our way to the front door.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sigh, wanting nothing other than to be in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt and crawl into bed and just fall asleep.

We go outside and catch a cab to the club.

"Hello, where to, beautiful ladies?" The taxi man asks us and I let Erica do all of the explaining.

Once we were there she slapped a $40 onto his hand and told him to keep the change while we got out and made our way to the entrance of the bar. She paid for my way in and we immediately walked up to the bar to get a drink.

"2 shots of hard liquor." Erica says to the bartender and I just laugh to myself.

"D.amn Erica, I'm trying to enjoy myself tonight, not get s.hitfaced as soon as I walk through the door." I laugh and it only made her laugh as well.

The bartender set the drinks down in front of us as we looked at each other before clinking our glasses and gulping them down. We both slammed our glasses down onto the table at the same time after we finished our drinks. Our faces scrunched up from the strength of the liquor.

"Let's go dance then I say we get more drinks." Erica says cheerfully and tries to pull me onto the dance floor but I don't accept.

"I'm going to sit up here for a little while longer before I go dance, okay? I'll be out there soon." I say and she sighs at me then makes her way towards the dance floor.

"Your friend is a handful, yeah?" I hear someone with a deep, British accent ask me. I look beside me only to see the most gorgeous guy I have ever laid eyes on. He had curly, brown hair, green eyes and a very fit body from what I could see of it.

"You have no idea." I laugh and shake my head, trying to keep my cool and not blow this. I've never been one to actually go out and talk to guys without ruining it.

"How about some drinks?" He suggests and I shrug my shoulders, unsure "on me." He finishes and I laugh then finally give in. I'm going to have to get over Tommy sooner or later or I'm just going to be drowning in my sorrow.

"So, what brings you down here?" He tries to start a conversation then looks over at the bartender and waved him down. He ordered two shots of vodka.

"My boyfriend broke up with me, so Erica's brilliant idea is let's go to the bar and get drunk tonight." I roll my eyes and smile.

"Your boyfriend broke up with you? His loss." He smirks at me and I notice the dimples and the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles. He's literally perfection.

"Yeah, why are you down here?" I ask and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I just wanted to try it this weekend. Never been before and it seemed nice from what I've heard." He laughs, shaking his head and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

After we took the shots he got up and I was kind of bummed out because I thought he was leaving until he grabbed my hand and lead me onto the dance floor.

We started off by dancing facing each other until the song 'Take You Down' by Chris Brown started playing and it made me wet thinking about this guy in that way. I turned around and he took the opportunity to press his chest up against my back and snake his arm around my waist and pull me close. I bent down so my would be pressed firmly up against him.

After the song went off we went back to the bar to have some more drinks and relax until we felt like dancing again.


My eyes flutter open and I'm in this unknown room, not knowing where I'm at. I sit up confusingly, gripping my head in the process because of so much drinking last night it has caused the worst hangover ever. The covers were draped over me and so was this person's arm.

I look beside me to see the guy from last night in the bed beside me. I also realized I was naked. Oh no.

I got up out of bed slowly which caused him to turn around with his back facing me and fall back asleep. I finally stood up and gathered my clothes that were laid out on the floor and slid them on as I made my way to the exit. It took me a little while to find out that I was upstairs and had to walk down a series of stairs to get to the exit and the whole time I was thinking about how rich this guy must be to own a house this huge. I walked outside and waved down a taxi to get home. I know the last thing that guy needs is me hanging around. I'm sure all he was looking for was a one night stand anyhow.

Once I got to the house Erica was sitting on the couch and was happy to see me walk through the door.

"I live here and you're here way more than I am." I laugh and she smiles and shrugs her shoulders, then eventually got up off the couch.

"So, how did things go with you and Mr. Hotstuff last night?" She wiggles her eyebrows. I do not see why she feels the need to bear about my sex life but she can't help but ask about it.

"I was too drunk to remember anything but, I woke up naked in a bed next to him if that means anything." I laugh, walking into my bedroom to change into something more comfortable and grabbed me an ibuprofen to help with this hangover.

"Well, you two were nearly sucking each other's faces off at the bar before I had to call a cab to get us home but instead you grabbed him and pulled him in the cab and ditched me at the bar. Thanks for that by the way." She rolls her eyes and laughs. She couldn't get mad because if it wasn't for her begging me to go out last night we would have just stayed in anyways. "Did you ever get the dudes name? You spent half the night yelling 'HEY YOU' at him."

"No I never got it." I shrugged my shoulders and frowned a little bit. "well, it's not like I'm going to see him ever again anyhow, so I'm not worried about it."

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