Ink, Who Is Error?

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Y/N POV.....


I are at the top of Mt Ebott and see the people who bully me. They keep coming closer, I back up until I reach the void I fell into to get to the underground. Then I slip... On paint?? What is this?..... I ask myself. I fall into the pit but blue strings catch me. The bullies laugh at me, then they all merge into one skeleton that has blue streams of tears coming down his cheeks.
"So, yOur thE ONe wHo iNk WAntS tO pRoTEct. Ha. YOu barEly hAvE aNYthInG sPeCIaL. YOu DOn'T evEn knOw yOu hAve a sPeciAl ABiLIty. HaHA, pathetic!" The glitched skeleton says.
The strings that were holding me from falling coiled around me and bring me up to face him.
"Who are you?" I ask him.
"Ask Ink, I think he will love to tell his crush about me. Haha."
He loosens the strings surrounding me and I fall into the void screaming...

Dream End

*(Middle of the night)*

I wake up screaming, alerting Ink and Sans.
"What happened?" Ink ask me. He hugs me to help me stop shaking
"I- Ink who... is the skeleton... Error?" I ask him while trying to calm down. Ink instantly looked down. Papyrus and Sans came down the stairs.
"Y/N had a nightmare, it's fine." Ink explains.
"You sure, kiddo?" Sans asks me. At first I hesitate, but then I nod my head.
"OK THEN I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS. AM GOING BACK TO SLEEP. SANS READ ME A STORY." Papyrus yells, while going back to his room and Sans follows looking worried. After they are in the room Ink sighs. He gets up and sits next to me on the bed.
"Error is another version of Classic Sans. I can create AU's and he likes to destroy them. We were created at the same time, and we have always had to fight. He would always destroy an AU, then I would come and fix it. It has been the cycle of our lives ever since we were created. I have the ability to use paint to create things and he has the ability to control strings. He has corrupted people before using the strings and control them like puppets. He did that to Classic Sans and made Sans hurt Papyrus and Frisk. Every time I stop Error I try to talk to him, to reason with him to stop. But he will never listen, and now he's coming after you. And I'm sorry that I will fail protect you." Throughout his story he only looks up floor, never looking up at me. I see paint falling to the ground. Ink is crying, his tears are made of paint. I hug Ink and now he is crying on my shoulder. He gets paint all over my new clothes.
"Hey Ink, it's ok. If this Error skeleton takes me, I know you will save me. I know it." He puts his head on my lap and eventually falls asleep. I start to yawn and before I  know it i was falling asleep.

Sans's POV.....

After reading Paps another story, he soon fell asleep. I was walking from Paps' room to mine when I saw Y/N and Ink asleep, holding each other. I took a quick picture then teleported to my bed and fell asleep.......

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