Dream and Nightmare

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Dream's POV.....

I grabbed the girl and she seems so confused. I teleported us to the marsh. It looked so beautiful with the echo flowers.

 It looked so beautiful with the echo flowers

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"Wow, this is beautiful." The girl gazed off into the marsh. She walks over to an echo flower, kneels down, and touches it.
'stay determined' it says in Frisk's voice.
"Ohh," the girl stares at the flower.
"Those are echo flowers. They repeat the last thing they hear. This flower heard Frisk last, that was their voice. I'm Dream by the way." I say as I help her up.
"I'm Y/N, thank you for saving us. I don't know what's going on. Can you please tell me? Ink?"she asks.
"Yeah Ink, what is going on?" We both look at him. We can't see his face. He is sitting next to an echo flower. He taps it. 'Y/N is one of a kind, Error will get her with my help.' It's Nightmare's voice.
"N-Nightmare, n-no... No... NO! He can't help Error. WHAT IS GOING ON!?! INK!?!" I yell at him.
"Y/N... can create-" he gets cut off by Nightmare. He raps his tentacle around Ink's neck.
"N-Nightmare....." I stare astonished.
"Ink!" Y/N shouts. She tries to run to get him, but I hold her back. "Dream let go of me! Ink needs our help!" She cries.
"He needs our help too," we hear a voice say. Y/N and I turn and see Blueberry and Fell riding a Gaster Blaster.
"Blue! Fell!" I shout. I put Y/N on a rock and get ready to battle my brother. Blue stays with Y/N while Fell and I go and confront Nightmare. "Nightmare, let him go. You always know what happens when we battle. I always win, Brother."
"Not this time!" He shouts as Error jumps out of a portal.
"E-rror," Ink says weakly.
"I waNt heR nOt hiM." Error says all gliched.
Y/N looks petrified. Blue nods at me. He will keep her safe.

Ink's POV....

Nightmare has his tentacle around my neck. I can barely speak, let alone breath. Error showed up and Y/N looks so frightened. I need to tell her, but how? I ask myself. Error grabs my paint brush from my back. I look at him as he breaks it in half.


I look at the pieces, tears start to form around my eye sockets. My.... paintbrush......

Y/N POV....

Error just broke Ink's paintbrush I look at the pieces. He sees me looking at them, then he throws them at me. Blueberry blocks them, and the pieces lay behind. I just look at the pieces. How could he have done this? Why would he do this?!? Why?!? I pick up the brush pieces and......

A Drop Of Paint; Ink x Reader Where stories live. Discover now