Our Excuse

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Chara's POV......

"Met who...?" Mom asked as she walked into Ink's room.
"Ummmm...." Cross says as he tries to figure out how to explain this to Mom.
"Cross met a version of Toriel in another AU and she is the Goddess of Life there." Ink tries to explains for Cross and me. "Chara needs a cure... For...." Ink studders. "For their headache. Right Chara?" He looks at me, nodding his head.
"Yes. Ever since I got the new soul my head hurts." I lie. She wouldn't want me to lie but I have to.
"Oh. How bad does hurt? Ink, am I able to heal them without is getting worse?" Mom questions.
"Healing won't help, my headache would just come back. It's fine, we are just going to see a version of Toriel. She is the Goddess of Life in her AU." I explain.
"Chara would you like to stay here while Cross and Ink get that cure for you?" Mom looks at me.
"Can I please go? I want to meet the Goddess of Life and maybe the God of Death. My headache isn't that bad, but the sooner well get a cure the better." I smile at Cross and Mom.
"Ok, but I'm going with you. I'll be right back and tell Error we are leaving. Ink can you get Blue off the ceiling and then send him home with Fell." She hugs Ink then walks out of the room. I look at Ink and he has a slight rainbow blush across his face.
He sooooo likes her, hehe. Maybe I can help him, but not right now. Let's go!! I tell myself as we walk out of Ink's room. We walk to the living room and see Blue stuck to the ceiling. Ink reaches down and picks up Cross, who then tries to pull Blue down. But he stays stuck.

Time Skip - He is really stuck....

We tried to get get the Underswap Sans down but we couldn't. Cross, Ink, Fell, and I have no clue what to do. Then Mom and Error walk in. Error is holding a bowl half filled with..... Is that honey...? Well.... ok..... Error takes one look at Blue then summons some blue strings and pulls Blue off of the ceiling. Then he looks at me, he doesn't look happy.
"WhY iS tHIs BrAt heRE?" Error asks, while glaring at me.
"I'll talk to him." Ink says to Mom while pulling Error to kitchen. I look at Cross who shares the same worried look as me.
"Are you ok Blue?" Mom asks him.
"Yup I'm perfectly fine!" Blue nods his head as Ink and Error come back. Error is still glaring at me. Ink opens a portal for Blue and Fell, Mom hugs them both then they walk through. Ink closes the portal then opens another one. Error just walks away towards his room.
"You're not coming with us, Error?" Mom questions.
"DeATh dOEsn'T sEEm to LIke ME ThAt mUch, So I'Ll stAy back wHiLe yOu Go tO ReApeRtAle. Oh ANd wAtCh OUt fOr a dEMon cHIld, ThEy aRe wOrSe ThAn oUr lITTle brAT." Error says as he goes to his room. Mom sighs then picks up me and Cross. She follows Ink through the portal......

A/N - Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had lots of stupid homework.... *Sigh* I'm trying to balance out homework, tests, and skiing. It's getting hard. Thank you to all who are supporting my book. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. BOOOOIIIII!!!!

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