The New Character

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Here is some info on my new character:

Name: Convel
(Which means wolf warrior.)
Nick Name: Vel
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Age: 11 (sometimes acts like a kid)
Favorite color: Green
Least favorite color: Neon Pink
Attitude: Kind to friends, cautious of people she's just meeting, rude and mean to enemies.
Fighting: Turns into wolf, uses dual swords, can make and control illusions.
Magic: Summons swords, illusions, can look at people's memories and can change people's memories.
Hates: To be told what to do, bullies, and her family.
Loves: Wolves, sweets, and games.
Family: Parents left her to die because she is a werewolf. 19 year old brother took her in, but kept her as a slave and abused her. She ran away. Now she lives in the woods with no people, just wolves.
Job: works at a café and takes care of a pack wolves.
Problems: Her past haunts her, trusting people, controlling her werewolf side, and blood.
(When Convel sees blood, her werewolf side might come out.)

(Picture took me 2 hours)

A/N - I've got a little more homework than normal so this is all I could type. I hope you have enjoyed the chapter and my new character! BOOOOIIIII!!!!

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