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The clinking of cutlery, the scent of coffee and freshly baked bread, the warm feeling of a friendly environment and the silver hair of a handsome man.

That's where we first met (officially, at least).


It was a normal morning for me, getting up, eating breakfast and running through the cold morning for a run before I saw him. His clothes, perfect. His body, perfect. His hair, perfect. Everything about him was perfect. I always followed him, but stopped before he entered a coffee shop.

Today was different. I had nothing to do, and the cafe had piqued my interest. I followed him in through the door about 2 minutes after he entered, as to not rise suspicion. This wasn't stalking, right...? I sat at a table two behind him and stared at his hairline, deep in thought.

A waitress approached him, blushing as she took his order. I couldn't hear much, and didn't catch what he had ordered. After the waitress ran off, he got up and left his table. I assumed he was going to the bathroom and turned to look out the window, deep in thought.

I wonder what his name is... It would be nice to know. But... Am I honestly stalking someone? Does that make me weird? At least he hasn't noticed... I thought to myself with a relieved sigh.

"Would you like anything, sir?" came a soft male voice with a hint of an accent. I slowly turned, giving a reply.

"No thank--" my eyes widened as I turned.

"That's strange. You came to a coffee shop, yet don't want anything?" He hummed. I stared in disbelief, speechless as he sat himself down beside me.

"Oh, do you come here to relax and think? I do that too sometimes," he smiled with a small chuckle. I felt my face go red. God, his smile...

"Ahh, enough with the jokes. You we're checking me out, weren't you? I've noticed the past few days."

I felt my face go warmer and shook my head vigorously, "N-no I-I wasn't trying to stalk you o-or anything I swear!" I squeeked, squeezing my eyes shut and clenching my fist. I felt a hand brush against the top of my head and clenched my teeth. The hand was warm, and it gently caressed my head. I opened my eyes.

"You're actually really cute, you know?" He laughed.

His laughter was like bells. I dazed for a second, looking into his eyes. What a colour... His eyes faded from dark blue to a cold, icy blue- and yet, they still have off a warm look. I shook my head. No, I must be dreaming, I convinced myself. But even so, I wanted the dream to last a little longer.

The waitress from before returned with two cups of coffee- not one. She blushed and placed them down in front of us and seemed to be holding back a giggle.

"You two do make a cute couple~" she chuckled as she left.

My face could not have gotten any redder. I looked down at the coffee. He ordered two?

"This one is for you," he smiled, pushing it lightly over to me.

"Th-thank you... Um..." I didn't know his name yet.

"My name is Victor! What about yours?" He chuckled, seemingly reading my mind. More like, it was written all over my face.

"I'm Yuri. Yuri Katsuki," I replied quietly, nervously picking up the coffee and taking a sip.

"Yuri... Such a cute name! It suits you," he hummed as he took a moment to look at his watch.

His eyes seemed to widen slightly. He jolted up and then shoved his hand into his pocket, taking out a piece of paper and writing his number on it. "I have practice now- I am going to be late. Text me or call me, I'll try to respond as soon as possible," he said, running off at a swift pace.

He forgot to pay... I don't mind paying. It was worth it coming in here after all, I thought to myself as I placed my hand on my overheating cheeks. I looked down at the piece of paper in somewhat disbelief. What a nice dream... Time to wake up. I might actually end up following him here when I do. I thought as I pinched myself.

Nothing happened.

I slapped myself.

Still, nothing. My cheek began to sting a little.

"Oh... Oh... How could this not be a dream?!" I murmured to myself, still holding the now lukewarm coffee. I grabbed the number and walked out the door in a somewhat excited yet shocked daze. ...I had no clue what I was getting myself into.

"Sir, you forgot the bill...!"


A/N: Lol
I've planned things
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Yes, I role play Victuri. Feel free to rp with me. Tsusch, mein Freundes.

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