Iced Coffee

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It was early morning, and I was talking with Victor. He suddenly stopped breathing and began coughing- this time, there was blood. He was coughing blood. The doctors rushed in.

"Victor... Victor, make it through this! I know you can! We have plans for tomorrow, don't we?" I cried as the doctors forced me to leave the room.

24th of December, morning in the waiting room of the hospital. I stared at the familiar white walls, struggling to sit still. Victor had another attack. The doctor who had rushed in there said this one was worse than anything he'd ever gone through, and had to go through minor surgery.

Yuri was standing across the room, staring off out a window with his hood pulled over his face. I could feel his tension. I approached him, sitting in a chair beside him. "Yuri... Are you feeling alright...? You've known Victor longer than me- this must be hard to go through..." I mumbled.

Yuri clicked his tongue. "As if I'd care if that man died. It's just another... Competitor out of the way..." he hissed- but his voice was wavering and he wiped his face on his sleeve. I decided to give him more alone time. His rinkmates had also come to worry about him in the hospital.

We all went out to coffee together to talk about our experiences with Victor, and how he's influenced us all.

Georgi was in tears almost the whole time, and Otabek was subtly comforting Yuri. Mila managed to keep a smile, but there was a sad time to her voice. Chris, the man who was also in the bed the night of the party, stayed strong until the end. Guang Ho and Leo were also there, and Phichit was in charge of comforting me. His coach, Yakov, didnt go to the gathering. Even JJ was there.

Everyone applauded when they saw the ring on my finger. And before I returned to the hospital, we all vowed to make sure Victor makes it through this. "Victor is strong! There's not a possibility in the world that he'll leave us!" we cheered. The manager of the coffee store herself had to quiet us.

It was evening when I returned to the hospital. The doctors told me his surgery was over, and gave me the clear to spend the night with him. It was about 11 at night when Victor finally opened his eyes.

"Ah... Yuri... Sorry about all this. I don't think I'll last the night, but stay close to me, alright? I might just make it through. I'm full of surprises, after all."

I nodded and held his hand, and we made jokes until I noticed Victor's pained expression. "Victor... Is everything alright? Should I call the nurse in?" I mumbled, trying to get up from my seat.

"No, no. I'm alright, Yuri. Just sit with me. I don't think a nurse could help at this point... Hey, Yuri? Sing me a song, would you?" he whispered. I nodded in response.

"Fly me to the moon,
and let me play among the stars,
Let me see what spring is like,
On Jupiter and Mars...
In other words, hold my hand.
In other words, darling, kiss me...

Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing, forevermore...
You are all I long for,
All I worship and adore...
In other words, please be true...
In other words...
I love you..."

"Yuri... I love you," he whispered in a raspy voice. "Victor... I love you too," I whispered back as I squeezed his hand. It was cold. I looked over at the heart monitor- his heart rate was slowing. I had to make it go up. I leaned over and kissed him, checking the monitor before I deepened the kiss.

His heart rate momentarily raised, but then slowed down again. But it kept decreasing, number by number. "Victor...? Victor please... Victor..."

"Yuri... It's alright. Please keep moving on. Move forward with out me. No... Move forward for me. Live the life I never gave myself. Because Yuri... I love you, so much..."

"Victor no...! Keep breathing! Please! Please... Don't leave me like this... What am I supposed to do with myself... Victor, please! Please! I'm begging you..."

"Yuri... Thank you so much, for filling my last year with so much hope and happiness-"

"Victor stop! You're making it sound like you're about to die... Please stop..." I cried, again holding back tears. I lay my head on his chest. Listening to his almost nonexistent heartbeat. His scent was still filled with coffee... "Yuri, I love you..."

"Victor, I love you too." I caught a glance at the clock. 1:32am. "Ah, Victor. It's your birthday- happy--" I was interrupted by the long, distant beep of the heart monitor. "Victor... I'm dreaming, right...? This is such a horrible dream... I'll go to sleep, and wake up, and you'll be here."

"Victor... Victor I... I love you..." a tear fell down, finally, as my concious faded.

I opened my eyes- I had moved. I wasn't laying on Victor's chest. So it really was a dream? What a horrible...
I looked at my surroundings. The white walls of the waiting room. Quiet sobs from familiar faces. "Guys... Guys he's alright, right? He's okay?"

Nobody answered.

I dragged myself to the grim looking doctor. "He's okay... Right?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry... Famous skater, Victor Nikiforov. Died 1:33am, 25th of December."

"But... How could he... How could he leave me like this...? Victor... Victor you're okay... This is all just a nightmare... All just..."

"I'm sorry, kid. We... We still have a few of his belongings, if you'd like," he handed me a jacket. I took the jacket and inhaled his scent. It was calming, yet now maddening...

"Hnngg... Victor..." my knees gave out, and I fell into tears. I cried in that spot for hours, endlessly. Eventually the tears died out, and I just sat, staring into nothingness. Somehow, I ended up in his apartment.

For days, I lay. I didn't eat, didn't sleep, didn't think. I just lay, lifeless on the floor of Victor's apartment. Somebody who was doing a sweep of the apartments found me and took me to my parents, and we ended up at his funeral a week later. I didn't give a speech, or any words.

Evenually, though, I got better. I was sent to a mental hospital for recuperation, and Phichit helped me get myself together. Phichit was always there for me. Of course, I never lived the same again.

And now I sit, writing these final words before I leave. These memories, I'll treasure them while I'm gone. I'll find Victor where I go, wherever I go after this. I'm sorry Victor... I couldn't live like you told me to. Thank you Victor, for giving me true happiness. I love you, Victor.

Thank you. I'll see you up there, wherever we end up.


A/N: heh... That was a long chapter... I myself cried while writing it.

Thank you all for your support, and thank you for reading my mediocre story! I'll be writing some extras in the remaining time of winter break.

Thank you!

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