White Russian : Yurio Extra

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The childish piggy was a pitiful sight. He was a disgrace to skaters- I felt sorry for Japan to have such a sad little piggy as their representing skater. But even through all his mistakes, Japan still cheered him on. It made me want to puke. Victor thought it was inspiring to see him never give up, but Victor is just a perverted old man who's obviously in love with that Japanese piggy.

At the most recent GP, the little piggy fell hard. He appeared to be struggling over something (probably about dropping some katsudon or something) and quickly ran away at the end. Victor, unsurprisingly ran after him. How pitiful. I heard later that the Japanese boy had lost his memory or something, and wasn't going to return to the rink.

But, that didn't keep the old bastard from following him. He even moved to japan, the old mu'dak*. I kicked around in Russia for a while, and met Otabek Altin- a Kazakh skater. He'd apparently met me back in my younger days in the ballet studio. 'The eyes of a soldier', he had said.

I left Beka in Russia and went to follow Victor- by then, the little piggy and the old man were in a relationship. Victor had lung cancer, and only I and a select few knew this. I tried to warn the weak boy- to keep him away from Victor. But he didn't listen at all. The little boy ignored me.

I decided to watch their relationship from a distance, but Victor did end up seeing me.

"Why don't you tell him, you old пизда?! He's going to find out anyway!" I had shouted. Victor shook his head and avoided my gaze.

"I don't want to lose him," he replied. What a simpleton. "Suit yourself. He doesn't deserve your attention... He's a failure."

Victor then looked at me. He yelled at me, but I covered my ears and walked away, sticking out my tongue. The little piggy was in for it when he found out. Of course, a few days later Victor had an attack. The piggy was in the waiting room, looking anxious. "Why don't you just leave him..." I hissed under my breath.

A few months later was a party, the little piggy's birthday. I only went because Beka decided to go and didn't know anyone else. There, the birthday boy got drunk and seemed to remember everything. He just sat in the corner, crying himself to sleep and muttering things under his breath. Of course, he got up when Victor was all over him and encouraged him to dance.

Seeing the two of them was sickening, so I grabbed a drunk Beka and left. A few days after that though, the piggy seemed to have regained all his memory- just as Victor had another attack. This time it was slightly worse, and he was definitely running out of time. But even so, the old bastard decided to do one last skate.

One that would strain him beyond his limits. The duet skate was sickening- Beka thought it was kind of cute. Bleh. After the skate, Victor got separated from the piggy- so I took my chance and left Beka for a moment. Victor was in the changing room alone.

"You idiot. Why did you do that skate if you knew what it would do to you? You're too old for this."

"Yuri, you wouldn't understand..."

"Like hell I don't! You're just an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing!" I snapped.

Victor remained silent. Ignoring me. He blistered my anger to its limits- I raised my foot and kicked his side as hard as I could. He fell. Victor fell. He never falls from one of my kicks. "V...Victor...?"

No way.

"Victor, quit pretending... Get up..." I shook him. "Hey..." I heard footsteps. Oh shoot! I quickly got up and ran through the back door. Beka met me out there. "Beka..." He wrapped an arm around me and took me to the place where he was currently staying.

When I heard Victor needed surgery, I made my way over to the hospital while Otabek was sleeping. I spoke to the doctors, and they told me he had only a few days left to live even if the surgery went well. And... And it's all my fault. No! The old bastard deserved it...

The piggy approached me and attempted to comfort me- I couldn't bring myself to face him. I found myself tearing up and sobbing slightly, so I left. A day before Victor's birthday, all of Victor's rink mates from the last GP gathered up at the coffee shop and shared our experiences.

That night, Victor Nikiforov passed away. Beka comforted me. I heard the piggy had gone to some insane asylum or something, and was slowly getting himself back together. I myself couldn't bring myself to get back onto the ice- Without Victor, there wasn't any competition.

And without Victor, the ice had no meaning... But Beka remained beside me, and I continued to live in with him as my special person. But I still live in guilt...

I killed Victor Nikiforov.

I'm sorry, Yuri Katsuki.

A/N: shoot
I did this now I gotta finish it with the next extra
Whoot here we go, friends.

And still, so many readers... Thank you so much. Really. *bows*

*mu'dak: Russian for asshole

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