Café Affogato

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I waited a long time in the waiting room of the hospital. Many nurses passed me by, nodding at me and bowing nervously as they scuttled their way around. The E.R. wasn't busy, but my mind was.

Why did I know how to skate? Why can't I remember anything? More importantly...

What's wrong with Victor...?

I was in the hospital, waiting, until midday the following day. The kind nurses had offered me coffee and snacks, and made sure to contact my family to tell them where I was. I'm not a kid anymore, you know...

He had finally emerged with a doctor, and I instantly stood up to go to him. I was weak with lack of sleep and ended up falling onto him. His doctor ended up catching me instead, yet I paid it no mind.

Neither spoke.

"S-so... Victor... You're okay, right...?"

Victor slowly pulled his head up, and he gave a warm smile. The smile was strangely off, but it was enough. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Be gentle. His lungs--"

"I had a small asthma attack, but I am fine," he interrupted the doctor. I pulled away and smiled. "I'm so... So glad... You're okay, Victor..." I mumbled, tearing up.

The doctor gave him the clear to go, but asked him to return in a week at most or if anything like this happened again. We decided to go to our usual coffee shop.

We both drank coffee and exchanged interested looks, and learned a bit about each other. He told me about Yuri, the angry blonde Russian, and how he met him. And also a little about a boy Yuri had been romantically interested in recently. Otabek, I think his name was.

I told him what I knew about myself. My interests, my favourite things, my ideals and my lifestyles and hobbies. Victor was stern but easy going, and wanted to become a coach after he finished his skating courier.

By the time we knew it, it was storming outside and past 5 o'clock. We ran through the rain together in attempt to get to his place, but eventually gave up and found shelter at a park to dry off.

I was exhausted as we sat there, and leaned on Victor to take a rest.


"...Yes, Victor?"

He stayed silent, but then he turned toward me and leaned our faces closer together and he pressed our lips together. I didn't resist, instead reached for his hand.


~A time skip, about 6 months into the future~

"Victor, you're going to be late if you continue to sit here with me," I joked, sipping at my coffee. He laughed in return, kissing my forhead before heading off to his practice.

It was now November 29th, and Victor and I had become a lot closer. I often went skating with him, I had gotten a part time job and some new friends. Victor had 4 of his "asthma attacks", but I knew it wasn't as simple as asthma. It was something so much worse than that, but I wanted to find out myself rather than ask him. I knew he would lie if I asked.

I made my way out of the cafe and to my part time job down at the daycare. I was greeted by Yuko and Takeshi, and we went inside and sat down. Yuko and Takeshi were friends of mine, and needed help at their daycare so I volunteered for them.

We don't do much, usually just chatter and occasionally tell off misbehaving kids. At the end of the day I make my way to the skating rink where Victor is still practicing, and join him on the ice for a while if we have time.

But this time, he was waiting outside for me.



"Is something going on?"

"No, nothing at all~ come on Yuri, let's head over to my place today," he smiled, taking my hand. I was slightly confused, but I followed him anyway. Any time with him is time I loved. But I didn't treasure it enough, did I...

We entered the building and up the stairs to his place. He was smiling with a smug undertone. "V-Victor...?" As soon as we entered the room, he pressed his lips against mine and pressed me against the wall.

"M-mmnn...." I moaned into the kiss as he deepened it, our tongues intertwining. He occasionally moved to bite my bottom lip, making me moan a little more. He wrapped his arm around me, his hand sliding down to squeeze my backside.

The door burst open.

"Victor~! The party--" a blonde and brunette foreigner called before seeing us. About 20 people had started making their way inside, and Victor had made his way off me.

"Chris! Welcome. Everybody put your gifts on the table. Feel free to make yourselves at home," he called to the guests.

I was slightly irritated, but too confused to bother with that emotion.

"Victor, what's..."

He grabbed my hand and threw it into the air.

"This is the birthday man, Yuri Katsuki! Happy 25th Birthday!"

They all bursted into an applause and began singing. They put music on the stereo and danced, and before I could talk to Victor he had run off to speak with the other guests. Me, being the anti-social being I was, went to the champagne and began drinking until I blanked.


A/N: lol Victor and Yuri got cockblocked. Shit can get real next chapter, ...or the chapter after BUT STAY TUUNNEEDDDD
...ugh is this fan fiction boring at all?

Happy birthday Georgi. (26/12)

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