Midnight Show

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Valerie returned home with more questions than answers. Thankfully, Graves wasn't there when she arrived. When she arrived at Tina's she was greeted by Queenie, and a new man was present. She later learned his name to be Jacob Kowalski. He's a Muggle, and baker. Tina explained to her what had happened earlier, with the bank, and the accidental switching of the cases. It all made sense, but it was unfortunate it happened since it only made Tina look worse at MACUSA.

While Valerie was at the Goldstein residence, Graves handled some business of his own. It was easy for his to manipulate a young man who desperately wanted to be a part of the magical world. He was nothing but a squib. Yet, Graves found use of him. It was all apart of his plan. 

The very next morning, Graves arrived at Valerie's home. It was unusual to her that she didn't see him at all the last night. She couldn't even recall the last time he didn't stay there, and she wasn't even out long. Two hours tops. "Where were you?" She questioned, as she broke apart the fresh croissant Graves had brought her. It was a form of bribery. 

"I got called in. Just a bunch of nonsense back at the office. You know how it can be." He brushed her questions off with a vague lie. In all honestly, Graves hadn't returned last night because he feared Tina tattled on him. On top of the fact a No-Maj was killed last night. He was truly out late, but that wasn't the full story. 


"So, what happened?"


Graves glared softly. She knew fully well what he was referring to. She just didn't want to cooperate. She was a bit ticked off at his disappearance last night, but if he was telling the truth about work, she did understand. It wouldn't have been the first time he had to just up and leave, but he always came back. This was a first. "You know what I am referring to."

Him not being here last night was a blessing in disguise. It gave Valerie the chance to think about what she would and wouldn't tell him. She definitely decided to leave about the part about Jacob being a Muggle, or No-Mag as they call it in America.

"Turns out the case is real. There was a bit of a mix up. Newt had switched cases with another man on accident. He has since retrieved it though."

"Mr Scamander has the case? The case with supposed magical creatures inside?"


"And you didn't report this?"

"Why would I? The creatures are harmless."

"Says who?"

"Says Newt."

"Did you see them for your own eyes?"

"No. What does that matter? I can trust someone's word. Newt doesn't come off as a vicious type. He is honestly on his way to Arizona with the creatures. This was all just a bit of a mix up. It won't be long before he is on his way."

"You are aware that there is a creature on the loose in New York City, wrecking havoc? Threatening to expose our world?"

"You America's are so strange with all your rules. Wizard or witch or not, there is always going to be a person or group who hates you or wants to kill you. That's just life. It doesn't matter if our world is exposed. There's always going to be a belief that it is there anyway. Nothing is going to change that."

Graves had to catch himself and remember who he was talking to. Valerie wasn't going to back down on this argument, there was no sense in upsetting her or making her angry at him. That would only be a set back. "I suppose there is some logic to your theory."

"So, what will happen to Newt?" 

He sighed and thought for a moment, "I won't say anything..." Valerie opened her mouth to thank him. "For now." He continued. "If there's another attack or issue concerning him, I cannot protect him. It'll be out of my hands."

"I understand."

"And this conversation never happened. Speak of this to no one." Valerie nodded her head agreeing to his demands. It wasn't like she had a wide variety of people to tell anyway. He mostly just meant for her not to mentioned to Queenie or Tina that he knew of Newt's creatures. He stood up and walked to the kitchen, leaving Valerie in the front room with Daisy laying at her side. 

"Is everything okay?" She called out to him.


"You've been a little...off this week."

"Stresses at work, my dear. Your friend, Tina, isn't exactly helping either, but nothing to be concerned of." The fact that he was speaking to her through a wall was enough for her to further her concern. It was evident he didn't want her to be looking at him while he spoke, which meant he was lying. 

"Okay." She gave off a tone that sounded as if she was pleased with the answered, but she was far from. Graves came back into the room with a mug of coffee in his hand. He sat back down across from Valerie and watched her as she rubbed Daisy. "It's Saturday." She turned her gaze to his, continuing to pet the cat. "How about we go away? Just on a day trip."

"As extraordinary as that sounds, I am afraid I can't."


"There's just far too much I have to do today with that creature on the loose and all. Madam Picquery is fully relying on me to get to the bottom of this. I do have to look further into Mr Scamander's story as well. Even if you say he means no harm, I have to personally rule him out."

"Yes, that makes sense."

It wasn't long before Graves was back on his way, starting his work day. Valerie remained on her couch with her minding racing in wonder. Nothing added up. Something was wrong with Graves. Her suspicions of him grew with each passing day. Abruptly, Valerie stood from the couch, accidentally scaring Daisy in the process, and went straight to her room to change out of her pajamas. She was taking an uninvited trip to Graves' apartment to do some snooping. Obviously, unknown to him. 

After getting dressed, she apparated cautiously to his place, making sure not a soul sensed her being there. A charm was placed on on the building just as an extra precaution. She tip-toed about, carefully moving items around and putting them back in their exact position. There had to be something. She sighed in frustration not finding much out of the ordinary. Nothing was adding up anymore. Nothing was making sense. Graves' new interest in Newt was puzzling as well. 

Valerie was moments from giving it up and calling it quits. Maybe she was just going crazy, she thought. Until she found a chest. It was made of a dark oak, and extremely old, with much wear. It seemed so out of placed from everything else in the apartment. She pulled it out of the closet and examined the chest. A small gasp escaped her lips when she opened the lid and found it full of various potions and ingredients. What was most alarming was the amount of vials full of potion. Upon opening one and take a careful whiff of the contents, Valerie found it to be Polyjuice. A very strong form of Polyjuice. One that would take a large amount of time to wear off. 

Her heart began to race in her chest. The only logical thing she could come up with is Graves isn't who he says he is. She quickly put everything away. And just as fast as she arrived, she was gone. But not everything was put back in it's place. In Valerie's fearful rush, she made a serious error. 

The cap from the vial was not securely fastened, and she left the closet door cracked, thinking she had shut it fully. It was those mistakes that alerted Graves when he arrived home later that evening. His face turned to stone as he stood in the hallway, glaring at the partially opened door. Now, Valerie's life was truly in danger. 

Sorry it's been days since I have updated. I've taken a second job for the holidays and school break. It's been keeping me pretty busy. Retail is nuts, but it gets me extra money. Let me know your thoughts. We're nearing the end! 

A Matter Of Time - A Percival Graves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now