Move Away

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As soon as the clock starts winding down to the last hour of work, Beatrice begins to nag Valerie about going out with her and her friends. She has made a habit of doing this every Friday. Every time with zero hesitation, the answer is no. But this Friday, Valerie wasn't so quick with her response. Susan glanced over at her, thinking she was sick in some way. Her constant nagging got her finally thinking, perhaps if she did agree to go out just one time and Beatrice saw what a miserable time Valerie was having, she wouldn't ask again. The plan was settled in her mind, but she had to show a slight hesitation still to not make it obvious what she was up to. This was so beneath her. 

"Wouldn't it be strange? I am technically your superior."


"I'm much older than you are."

"By what? A year?"

"I'm twenty-six." She lied.

"So? Don't sit there acting like you're some bug-eyed Betty. All the fellas here will trip over themselves to walk beside you. Imagine what it will be like at The Blind Pig." 

Valerie almost slipped up by making the comment she didn't want any man tripping over themselves to be near her. She wasn't interested in any man here, nor would she be interested in any man there. But by making that comment, Beatrice would only question it. So, it was better she kept quiet. "What time?"

"Come home with me and we can get ready there. I have the perfect outfit for you." In the 'normal' world of the Muggles, you would question how someone of Beatrice's size would have an outfit for someone like Valerie who was a good six inches taller and had a bit of a curve to her body. In the world of witchcraft, a simple spell and any article of clothing can fit like a glove. 

"Fine." Susan sat at her desk stunned just as the clock struck the hour signaling it was the end of their work shift. 

"Yes!" Beatrice eagerly began gathering her things. "I'm so excited. I promise you will have fun."

"Sure." Valerie mumbled in response with an eye roll only Susan caught.

"See you ladies Monday. I can't wait to hear all about your extravaganza." Susan said in a joking manner that only Valerie caught on to. The comment clearly laced in sarcasm went right over Beatrice's head.

"I'll tell you all about it!" She called out to her as she walked out to door, leaving it open for them to follow. Once they gathered their bags and coats, they headed out the door and towards the stairs. Mid way down the last flight of stairs, Valerie stopped. "What's wrong?" Beatrice followed suit and stopped a few steps down from her.

"I forgot my scarf." She lied once more. She didn't forget her scarf. It was tucked away in her zipped up hand bag, but she did forget something. The office door remained unlocked two flights up. There was no way she was going to admit to it though because Beatrice would let it slip to their boss and he was a little crazy about that kind of thing. "I'll meet you out front."

"Okay." Beatrice smiled cheerfully, buying her lie, and continued down the stairs as Valerie traveled back up. Arriving at the door, she found it not in the same state she just left it. The door was now ajar and someone was clearly inside their office. Carefully pushing the door open, she silently entered, thankfully remembering to have her wand drawn. Inside, she found a man in a suit leaning over her desk, searching it. Valerie's heart raced in her chest. Had she been found out? 

"Can I help you?" She called out, making her presence known. The man didn't jump or flinch at her voice. It was like he was expecting her return. Valerie kept her wand drawn even though the man looked familiar. Now wasn't the time to take any chances. 

"Who are you?" He questioned, turning his gaze onto her. 

"I am the person whose desk you're searching. Who are you?"

"A man searching the wrong desk." 

"What? Whose are you looking for?" 

"The crazy blonde girl."

"Crazy sits back there. Farthest away from mine." Valerie pointed him the right direction after putting her wand away, relieved it wasn't her he was looking into. "What is this about?" 

"Are you Valerie?"


"I suppose you should know since you over see her." He responded. "We are suspecting she is somehow involved with Gellert Grindelwald." Valerie felt her heart rate gradually increase at the sound of that name. She fought herself not to let it show. Her face remained emotionless, giving him no reaction. 

"Beatrice can't tell left from right on her good days. She is in no way involved with him."

"It could all be an act."

"Preposterous. No one can act that daft."

"You'd be surprised at how deceiving someone can be."

"Who are you?"

"Graves. Director of Magical Security and Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." 

"Well, that explains it."

"Explains what?"

"The searching." This was the longest conversation she has held with someone who worked at MACUSA that wasn't Susan or Beatrice, and those conversation were forced. Valerie felt comfortable despite who he was. Something about his presence made her feel at ease. Graves opened his mouth to give her a witty response, but they were interrupted. Valerie had completely forgotten about Beatrice waiting downstairs.

"Merlin, Valerie! What's tak..-" Beatrice stopped once her eyes landed on Graves. A look of confusion spread across her face. Then a smirk. "Am I interrupting?" Of course she would jump to that conclusion. Beatrice has made it her mission to know everything she can about everyone in this entire building. Percival Graves was no exception. She didn't have much to go off of for him, but the one main thing that mattered to her was; he's single. It got the wheels turning in her mind. 

"No." Valerie was fast to respond. "Let's go, Beatrice. It was nice meeting you, Mr Graves." She gave him a tight lipped, yet slightly genuine smile, before turning back to the door and joining Beatrice. When Graves knew the coast was clear, he continued his search of Valerie's desk. After all, it was the real reason for why he was there.



"Oh, come on. He's gorgeous. He could have me calling him Daddy in a heart beat. I bet his body is absolutely fine under all those clothes." Valerie actually let out a chuckle at Beatrice's comments. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad after all. 

"You're too much, Beatrice."

Let me know what you think and if I should continue (:

A Matter Of Time - A Percival Graves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now