My List

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Valerie was startled to find a vase full of daisies on her desk when she arrived to work Monday morning. It was a gesture frequently done by someone she used to know, but it was impossible that these could have come from said person. There wasn't a card, but it wasn't a mystery to her who they were from. 

Percival Graves. 

He had mentioned the vase beside her front door, which led to him naming her cat Daisy. He must have assumed she loved them, which she did, but for all the wrong reasons. After admiring them for a good few minutes, she tore her gaze away, put her belongings in her desk, and got straight to work. By noon, she managed to have a shoe box size full of small Muggle knick knacks for her and Queenie to look through. Lunch time, Queenie came by, taking the box, and they went up to the break room on the fourth floor, where she usually worked. Their break room was typically less busy. It's why they opted to eating in there inside of Valerie's on the second floor. 

"I forgot to ask, what were you doing on Friday night? Are you seeing someone?" Queenie gasped at the thought, revealing a large, bright smile. "Is there a man in your life I do not know about!?"

'Was there a man?' Valerie thought. In her past life, she didn't allow people into her personal business. Actually, in her past life, Valerie didn't really know anyone who even cared enough to ask. She never gossiped, and she certainly never spoke of crushes or relationships. "Maybe. I'm not sure yet."

Queenie gasped again, this time with much more enthusiasm, if possible. "I'm so excited! Who is he? Does he work here? Do I know him?" She began to fire off questions Valerie didn't know if she should answer. Could she trust her enough not to say anything? Queenie was definitely no Beatrice. She didn't wander around MACUSA telling everyone other people's business. But what could become of Graves if it was let out he was seeing an employee outside of work? Valerie decided against keeping this a secret from her.

"Yes, he works here, and I am sure you know him. Your sister actually works for him."

"Oh my goodness, who?" There wasn't anyone else in the break room. They weren't required to keep their conversation down, but as Queenie asked the identity of this mystery man, she couldn't help but whisper to add to the excitement of her new friend's possible romance. 

"'s Graves."

Her facial expression was unreadable, and normally, Valerie could read anyone like a book. She couldn't tell whether Queenie was thrilled, worried, happy, or just overall unsure. It was a little bit of everything to be honest. Once Queenie noticed the slight frown forming on Valerie's face, she spoke without further delay. "I'm delighted, ecstatic...-"

"But?" Valerie quipped.

"He's um...he's a colorful character, and I mean that in the best way possible." Queenie began, trying to watch her words as to not offend Valerie. There was nothing genuinely wrong with Graves, but he was definitely someone to watch yourself around. "My sister doesn't have the kindest words for him. He's usually giving her a hard time. I just never imagined him as the dating type, but since you mentioned it, I can see you are perfect for eachother."


"Yes, you have similar personalities." 

"Everyone here doesn't seem to like his personality."

"I think you're both just misunderstood." Queenie explained. "Now, let's see what's in the box." She smiled, taking off the lid and digging in. It felt nice getting that off of her chest, even though it wasn't the reaction she quite wanted. At least she told someone and sort of got their opinion on the matter. During the end of lunch, Valerie agreed to go over to Queenie's place that night for dinner. It was a simple offer, to which Valerie agreed to, but unknown to her, Queenie had a plan. One of which Valerie wouldn't take kindly to. 

When she got back to her office, Graves was there waiting for her. "The flowers are beautiful." 

"What flowers?"

"Don't 'what flowers' me." She rolled her eyes with a playful smile, nodding towards the vase. Graves frowned, his eyebrows knitting together in worry and confusion. 

"Val, I didn't send you flowers." She felt heart drop in her chest, and her head began to ache as her body temperature instantly flared up. If it wasn't Graves, it was him. "Are you okay?" She had to play it off. Valerie knew if it seemed like something was wrong, Graves would want her to explain. She wasn't ready for that. Before meeting Graves, a part of her wanted him to find her. But now, after a taste of normalcy, she isn't sure she wants that anymore.

"I'm fine. It's just...weird. There was no card so I assumed they were from you."

"Well, clearly you have a secret admirer." Graves mumbled, sounding less than impressed.

"Yeah..." She looked away from him and back to the flowers. "Clearly." Valerie felt as if she could vomit. She felt her new life beginning to fade away. Soon Graves would be nothing more than a distant memory. 

This chapter is a bit of a filler leading up to the big drama. Sorry nothing really exciting happened. Also, does anyone know of any other Graves stories? I would love to read them. Let me know your thoughts (:

A Matter Of Time - A Percival Graves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now