Goodnight, Travel Well

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The path of the Obscurus was as plain as day. It left nothing but destruction on the way to Times Square. Buildings were a blaze and destroyed. People could be heard screaming and running around frantically for cover. Graves and Valerie took no noticed and focused their sole attention on Credence. They had spoke of a plan, but there was a chance things wouldn't go their way. 

"Stay here." Graves ordered Valerie as he stepped onto the street, nearing the Obscurus. He knew he had to speak reason to Credence. It was the only way to gain his trust once more. He had to offer help and safety. "To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle." Graves shouted over the noise. "You are a miracle. Come with me, think of what we could achieve together." 

The Obscurus moved closer to Graves, but instead of accepting the offer, it screamed in response. Valerie ran out into the street . "No!" She shouted. At this point she wasn't sure if she was trying to see Grindelwald, or whatever might be left of Graves, either way, she acted fast. A burst of energy erupted from the Obscurus, it headed straight towards Graves, knocking him off his feet. Valerie waved her arm, throwing the Obscurus off path, saving Graves' life. 

"I told you...-" He began to object her help.

"Shut up." Valerie quickly interrupted him. Graves got back onto his feet without another word. "Newt and Tina are here." She announced, looking around for where they were.

"Are you sure?"

"I can feel them close by." 

"Find them." Graves demanded, not taking his eyes off the Obscurus. He neared it, wand raised. 

"They are not to be harmed." Graves ignored her request. He would do what needed to be done. If necessary. As long as neither of them got in his way, they'd be safe. Of course, Tina had to throw herself into the matter. When she noticed Graves was making a move to strike, she interjected and shot off a spell. Valerie deflected it, saving Graves once more. The commotion caused Graves to turn his attention to the pair, off the Obscurus, who had now vanished once again. This angered Graves. 

"Tina. You're always turning up where you are least wanted." He advanced towards her. Valerie stood back and watched with caution. A car was lifted from the air by Graves and thrown in Tina's direction. Valerie made the car come to complete halt, just before it struck Tina.

"I said don't hurt her!" She shout in annoyance. Graves deliberately disobeyed her. This wasn't what they planned. Tina looked at Valerie in surprise. She couldn't tell whose side she was on. Either way, she gathered herself and rushed to her feet. Before she could act against them, Graves had taken a hold of Valerie and disapparated. 

They landed just a couple blocks away from Times Square. "Where is he?" 

"You're going off what we discussed."

"Well, this is exactly going as planned." Graves replied. "Find him." Valerie closed her eyes and focused on the pendent which Credence still wore. 

"He's near the subway." Valerie announced, eyes still closed, searching more. "Yes. He's going underground. I can feel him. He's terrified, but there's someone with him."


"I can't make it out. I can only see a dark figure." Graves was satisfied enough with Valerie's finding. When she reopened her eyes, he take her hand and they disapparated again, just outside the tunnel Credence had gone down. Aurors arrived shortly after to the scene. They raised their wands and began creating an energy field around the entrance. 

"Bar the area." He immediately took charge. "I don't want anyone else down there!" He turned to Valerie, whispering in her ear. "Delay them. I'll meet you down there." She nodded in agreement. Graves left, leaving Valerie to come up with a quick plan. The only way she could think of delaying the Auror was by destroying parts of the energy force field they were creating. So, that's exactly what she did. 

A Matter Of Time - A Percival Graves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now