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"You will explain everything to me. Now." This conversation was to remain between the two of them...depending on how it went. 

"It doesn't matter." Valerie replied.

"Your freedom depends on it."

"What freedom?" She shook her head. What freedom did she truly have? All of this made her realize she will never be free. Not from Grindelwald. He would always have full control of her life.

"You tell me what I want to know, and I will grant you immunity. You may return to your life here in New York City, as you were living it. No restitution. Nothing putting you at fault for any of this. You keep your job here and your friends." Valerie wiped her face with the back of her long sleeved shirt and sat quietly for a moment, weighing her options. She only had two, but with how terrible she felt, Azkaban didn't look like much of anything but a reward. It was where she belonged. She knew it. As did Madam Picquery.

"My real name is Iva Dumbledore." Madam Picquery was stunned. She was right under their noses the entire time. With just that small confession, it all made sense to her. "It began after I left Hogwarts. I had met Grindelwald, but he wasn't the man you know of now. It was his charm and handsomeness that drew me to him. It was in a way love at first sight. I was never treated kindly prior to then. Even more so when I became a Slytherin. My family loathed me and my classmates feared me. I have abilities beyond any...normal..witch per say. My siblings and I were labeled as being against those who came from Muggle families because of our father and what he had done. None of it was true, at first. It wasn't until I met Grindelwald that I felt true hatred for Muggles. What started out as a mere thought, became what it is now. My brother Albus, Grindelwald, and I set out to find the Deathly Hallows. Things were going fine, in a sense. Until Albus became jealous of Grindelwald's feelings for myself. One night, they fought, and my little sister was caught in the cross fire. She died." Valerie had never spoken this aloud to anyone. "I killed her." The tears reformed in her eyes. 

"It was meant for my brother." Valerie sobbed. "I was so enraged by Albus trying to steal Grindelwald from me that I used one of the Unforgivable Cruses. Our search for the Deathly Hallows ended that night. Albus blamed himself, thinking it was him who killed her and ran off. I haven't seen him since."

"Where did the two of you go from there?"

"Uh..I knew of a remote cottage in Wales, not far from a small village on the sea side. I knew we could live there undetected, and we did. We lived there for many years together, but it was there his hatred grew, and soon it became too much for me. I left."

From there, she explained how it was she became Valerie Forrest. First and far most, she is a Metamorphmagus. It gave her the ability to alter her appearance entirely. She choose one that would allow her to easily fit in in the United States. Her name was a play on Grindelwald's, and used it for him to find her. Valerie had the childish idea that Grindelwald would some how change once he realized he had lost her. That their love was enough to save him and go after her. For the most part, she was right, but it didn't change his views of the wizarding world. Her leaving did more harm than good.

"You have to believe me. He wasn't the man you see now. Dark magic over powered any goodness in him."

"I believe you, and I believe none of this was what you wanted. We all make mistakes, Miss Forrest, especially when it involves love." Madam Picquery understood where Valerie was coming from. "What is your true form?" Without delay, Valerie became the real Iva Dumbledore. Her features were the exact opposite of Valerie. Iva stood a few inches shorter, with pale skin, gray eyes, and long blonde hair. It was only a few moments before Iva became Valerie again. She always hated her real appearance. 

"I'm so sorry." She cried.

"This will be the last time the world will see Iva Dumbledore." Madam Picquery pitied the girl sitting in front of her. It was easy for someone so impressionable and lost like her to be lured into dark magic.

"I don't understand...?"

"Full pardon. No one will know of what we spoke of today. Only myself, Mr. Scamander, and Miss. Goldstein will know your true identity. You will remain Valerie Forrest."

"What's the catch?"

"You will give me a list of all his crimes, every man he has killed, everything. You help me lock him up for eternity, and I will grant you your freedom."

Valerie sat completely still. Could she betray Grindelwald that way? Surely, in doing so it would back fire on her. But it was an easy way out. She could continue her life in New York City, at MACUSA, but it would mean a life without Graves. Either way, he was gone, but could she bare it here without him. "Okay....I'll do it, but I have a condition of my own...."

"Name it." 

"I want to say good-bye." Picquery's facial expression became indifferent. She was shocked at the request, but knew it would benefit her if she allowed it. Maybe Valerie would be able to gather more information from Grindelwald. 


Grindelwald was brought directly to the President's office. He was heavily guarded by Auror's, who had their wands drawn incase he tried to pulled something. Grindelwald was shackled and had limited mobility. A spell was placed on the room to prevent him from escaping with the use of magic, or any other means. 

"I need privacy." Valerie demanded, as one of the Auror's tried to stay behind.

"It's fine." Madam Picquery interjected, allowing the two of them to be alone in her office. "He's not going anywhere." She smirked. Grindelwald remained silent. He wasn't going to speak until he knew they were completely alone. Valerie stood from her chair and smirked at Grindelwald once the door clicked shut. Just like that, she was back in his control. Valerie Forrest was gone for good.

"I found it." She whispered, a cunning smirk played on her lips.

"Found what, my love?" Grindelwald's voice was smooth and calm. Iva held out her hand and suddenly the Elder wand appeared. Grindelwald let out a menacing chuckle. "And here I was thinking you betrayed me."

"No. Never." She held the wand up and with the flick of her wrist, the shackles fell from Grindelwald's arms and legs. He was free. They were free. 

"Where shall we go first?" 

"The world is ours." Iva smiled sinisterly. Grindelwald returned the expression. Iva passed the Elder wand to Grindelwald, proudly. Like a puff of smoke, they vanished. Leaving not a single trace behind. They had managed to fool everyone. 

Percival Graves was never found or heard from again.


I know I said in the previous chapter that I had two left, and that is true. This chapter is the ACTUAL ending, but I figured it'd make some of you a tad bit sad. I will be posting an ALTERNATIVE ending for you all. I just need to make some final touches on it.

Would you prefer the alternative ending to be open ended or no? Let me know! I'm going to post it tomorrow. 

A Matter Of Time - A Percival Graves StoryWhere stories live. Discover now