~Chapter 1~ Are We There Yet?

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~ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 1~ ᗩᖇE ᗯE TᕼEᖇE YET?

•Several Days Ago•

ᗪᗩY  OᑎE

"Are we there yet?" Came Taeyungs voice from the backseat that he and Jungkook shared. 

"Not yet. " Jin responded, from his place in the passenger seat, beside Namjoon who was driving.

The two in the back were getting fidgety- it was a long drive to the cabin they were all staying in. And they had to take separate vehicles, so everyone could get there. And it was a long trip- a little over a half hour from the town that they had driven too. But the location was perfect- a beautiful mountainside, with thick forests and plenty of wildlife.

Jin looked through the rear view mirror to see why they had suddenly went silent. Of course, Taeyung had his face pressed against the window, watching the trees breeze by, his breath fogging up the window, and his hands leaving fingerprints. Jungkook was slightly less extreme, but appeared to be on the verge of drifting off to sleep.

Hobi, Jimin, and Yoongi were in the other car, just a little bit behind.

"What does the GPS say time wise?" Namjoon asked, glancing over at Jin for a second.

Jin picked up the little GPS and pressed a few buttons to bring up how long before they arrived. "About fifteen minutes- but the road may get a bit bumpy. " there was an excited gasp from the back row.

Namjoon nodded. "Okay."

Jin placed the GPS back to where it was beforehand, and from the corner of his eyes looked over at Namjoon.

"The cabins pretty small. Some will have to share rooms."

"I've got it sorted out. Me and you will share, Jungkook and Jimin, Tae and Hobi, and Suga would probably like his own. " Namjoon nodded a little as he spoke, sure of the plans. Jin agreed with him on this.

A few minutes and bumps in the old road later, the cabin was within sight. Jin could hear Taeyung shaking Jungkook awake, and an unhappy sound from the latter. Namjoon pulled up and brought the vehicle to a stop, turning the engine off and opening his door. Everyone else got out as well, and Jin took a deep breathe of the fresh outdoor air.

The weather was chilly, but that made sense seeing as it was late fall.

"Come help me unpack!" Namjoon called from the trunk, and Jin stretched for a second longer before going back to help grab their bags, and help bring them inside. "Since we're here first, we get the first room pick. " Namjoon commented, as he and Jin went up the Cabins stairs to the front door. He took out the door keys, and unlocked the front door so they could go inside. Jungkook wasn't far behind- and Taeyung had likely already gotten to checking out the outside.

The cabin opened up to a fair sized family room, with two long couched and a knee high coffee table. To the left was a large doorway that went into a dinning room, divided with a half wall counter that was where the kitchen was.

To the right of the living room was a hallway- that cut off into five doorways, one being a bathroom, and the other four leading off to bedrooms.

They both decided on the first to the left, and Jungkook called the second on the left, going inside to put his bag in and claim it.

Jin put his bag down and glanced around. It had a queen size bed, a window on the wall opposite the door, accompanied by some curtains, a nightstand by the bed which was to the left, and a dresser across from that. Jin released a breath. Finally, a week of relaxation. Where there was no worry about dance routines to memorize and practice, no rushing to a fro or busy schedules.

Just a quiet week in a cabin.. Or so he had hoped.

Jin felt a hand on his waist from behind, and felt lips rest on the side of his neck. Jin couldn't help but to squirm for a second before relaxing into the familiar grip.

"Excited for this week?" Namjoon said into Jins neck, and Jin nodded a yes in reply. This would give them a chance to have more alone time too. Jin loved those sweet moments that they got to just be together. Not necessarily in an intimate way though- but like how it was now. Just his presence could be enough.

Namjoon moved his other hand to Jins chin, angling it towards his own face as he pulled away from his neck, Jin closing his eyes as he leaned in for a kiss and-

Jin jumped when he heard the cabins front door open, announcing Hobi and the others arrival. Jin could tell it was Hobi who entered first by the excited 'whoop'.

That's right. No they didn't tell anyone about their.. Relationship. He could sense Namjoons reluctance to pulling his hand away from his waist, the almost kiss still lingering in the air. So close, yet so very far.

So much for alone time.

•ᗩ ᖴEᗯ ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᒪᗩTEᖇ•

Everyone had finally settled into their rooms, unpacking all their stuff. Jin had finished making dinner, after enlisting the help of Yoongi and Namjoon, who ended up getting kicked out of the kitchen after about two minutes because he caught a frying pan on fire somehow.

Currently everyone sat at the table, digging into their food. It had been a long day of travel, so everyone had big appetites. And would likely fall asleep quickly tonight. Jin ate with one hand, spooning rice into his mouth, his other hand in Namjoons underneath the table.

They all talked and joked, laughing and having a good time as they all usually did. In the back of his mind, Jin wondered how it could change if everyone knew about him and Namjoon. He didn't want this to change. There was still so much unknown that could happen...

Namjoon released his hand, and it felt suddenly cold to Jin. Everyone had begun to clear up their plates. Jins mind was lost on this as he put his plate back as well as the other dinner dishes. There were absolutely no leftovers, but considering that the cabin had been pre stocked for a good month (or a week and a half, for everyone currently here) it was no problem.

After that was done with, Jin yawned, glancing around at everyone else. Yoongi, of course, was already asleep on the couch. Everyone else seemed tired to, so Jim clapped his hands together to get some attention.

"We should all go to bed now, so we can get up earlier tomorrow." He said, and the others seemed to have no problem with this notion.

Jungkook and Jimin went to their room, Taeyung and Hobi doing the same after some final goodnights, and Jin put a blanket over Yoongi instead of bothering him on the couch.

He went back to his and Namjoons room, closing the door behind him silently. Namjoon was already in bed, the only light on being the lamp on the nightstand. Jin went over to the opposite side of the bed, comfortably sliding in under the covers, and scooting over towards Namjoon, a pleasant source of warmth.

Arms wrapped around him, and he could feel his breath on his face as Jin looked into his eyes in the silence.

"Are you tired?" Namjoon asked silently, leaning forwards to kiss Jins neck, exactly where he knew he would prompt a little reaction.

"Not anymore. " Jin said back, his breath hitching every so slightly as Namjoon moved to be ontop, pressing his body against Jins.

He slowly pulled away from trailing the kisses on Jins neck, to use a hand to reach over and turn off the lamp.

[A/N] you t h o u g h t

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