~Chapter 5~ Downhill

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~ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᖴIᐯE~ ᗪOᗯᑎᕼIᒪᒪ

ᗷᗩᑕK ᗩT TᕼE ᕼOTEᒪ

They should've been back by now. Yoongi had been watching the clock with a steady persistence, hoping that at any moment he would receive a call or text any moment that they had arrived, and needed to know the hotel rooms.

But as the minutes turned to hours, Yoongi received no such message, not even anything saying they had decided to stay the night and return in the next morning. He hoped that was the case, because now the clock was just ticking past midnight.

Yet for one of the first times ever, he found he couldn't fall asleep.

ᗪᗩY ᖴIᐯE

God, everywhere hurt. Jin was hardly able to force his eyes open, trying to comprehend what was happening. The first thing he noticed was infront of him, the shattered windshield, only visible because of the front car lights flickering on and off at random intervals.

Jin took a sharp intake of breath, turning to look at Namjoon, his head limp at his side, his face covered with blood. Jin struggled to get the seatbelt off of himself, so he could lean over and  put his hands on either side of Namjoons face, frantically looking around for any sign that he was alright.

"N-Namjoon..." He whispered, his eyes stinging with the threat of tears. He didn't respond. Jin pressed his fingers to his neck, waiting for the longest seconds of his life, before feeling a heart beat. He was alive. He would be okay.

Jin released a rough breath, before his slight relief turned to anxiety. "Jungkook!" Jins voice cracked, and he tried pivoting in his seat to see the youngest. From where Jin was sitting, he couldn't see much.

His heart rate skyrocketed, and Jin pulled the door handle and used his body weight to push the door open, nearly falling out as he did so. Jin stumbled out to his feet, but was instantly grounded again, crying out in crippling pain. He tightly squeezed his right upper thigh and looked down to his calf, a bloody gash having torn through his jeans pant leg.

Jin bit his lip and squeezed his eyes closed, praying for the burning pain to subside. It didn't.

His breathing now shallow, Jin pulled himself on one leg over to the backseat door, pulling it open. Jungkook was in no better condition than Namjoon..

"Jungkook?" Jin asked once more, seeing Jungkook laying in the back. That's right. He had wanted to lay down so he could fall asleep for the drive. Jin tried to wipe the blood from his closed eyes, seeing the deep cut on his forehead. Jin checked for a pulse, and it took longer to find it than it should have. Jins hands were shaking to bad.

They were both out cold. Speaking of which, that was a big factor to Jins uncontrollable shaking. It was freezing outside, and he had no idea what time it was. Again, the only light was the headlights flashing on and off.

In a brief moment Jin reached for his phone in his pocket- gone. And good luck finding it right now. At the moment just one thing was important, assessing the others' wounds. Trying to wake them up. Keeping them warm. That's all Jin could think about. He used the side of the car to painfully haul himself to his feet, his chest felt heavy, and with every breath he took it felt like it was squeezing out as little air as possible.

Jin used the side of the car as a guide, putting as little weight on his right leg as possible, his eyelids drooping and vision blurring, forcing him to stop and try to breathe again. It was impossible to ignore the pain in his leg, and he didn't even realize the sob that escaped from his lips before he was bending over at the waist slightly.

Every flash of the lights, and he saw the blood. That was his blood. That was supposed to be his own leg. It was horrendous. If he payed close enough attention, during the short few seconds of light he had, he could see the how swollen it had started to become, as well as bloody.

Jin had to painfully tear his eyes away from that sight and then keep moving along the car, trying to keep his head straight. The trunk window had also broken- which wasn't surprising, seeing as how the car had flipped who know how many times. Jin leaned against it and reached in, trying to pull out a bag of clothes and the few blankets left behind from the others.

Thank goodness they had some blankets.

Jin circled back around the way he had come from, trying to carry the few items in one hand, using the other to guide him along the car and limp along the side of the car. He found his way back to where Jungkook was still motionless in the back. Just seeing him like this made Jin want to break down, just start sobbing on the ground right there.

I don't even know how badly he's hurt. What if he doesn't even m-

Stop it. He'll be fine. He's going to be alright. He's going to be alright...

Jin took one of the blankets and very gently put it over Jungkook. He didn't dare move him unless he could see everything. Right now it felt to dangerous to do. Jin opened his bag of clothes he had and picked out a white shirt, using what strength he had left to rip it into makeshift bandages. Very carefully he put it over Jungkooks head, where the gash was. For now that would have to do.

Jin then carried those items over to the front of the vehicle, putting everything down to use both hands to open up the drivers door. Jin reached in and touched Namjoons face, despair rocketing through him.

If he didn't make it, that argument would've been the last things they had ever said to eachother. If he didn't wake up...

He has to. He has to wake up. We were supposed to be together forever, right? He can't leave me now.

Jin suffered through another breath. He grabbed the other blanket he had, tucking it around Namjoon as best he could, being careful incase there were any injuries that he couldn't see right now. Slowly closed the driver side door. He had to do anything he could to keep them warm, even if it was something as small as that. Jin slid down the side of the vehicle, looking at his right light with each flash of light.

He had to do something.

Jin knew what sort of infections this could get, exposed to everything. He also knew for a fact that it was broken, and that the bone was out of place. No one was awake. No one could help him right now. It was just himself.

For the first time Jin looked around where they were. The car mustve tumbled off the side of the road, and where they were now was surrounded by trees, pinecones, leaves, and sticks littered the ground.

Jin reached over as far as he could, moving his leg as little as possible to grab some sticks. All of them were of odd length and varying thickness, so Jin chose the thickest two and one smaller one. He felt a lump form in his throat, a tear tracking down the side of his face very slowly.

He stuck the smaller piece of wood into his mouth.

Another tear made its way to the ground.

Jin put the pieces of wood by his leg, and made sure he had ripped up enough cloth. If his hands had been shaking bad before, it was nothing compared to right now.

He didn't know what to do. Sure, he had an idea of what he had to, but he didn't want to do this alone. He didn't want to do it at all.

Just do it like how you peel off a bandaid. As fast as possible.

He felt around his leg, trying to feel where the bone had gone out of place, crying out in pain as he forced himself to do so. He was already biting tightly down on the stick, tear tracks clear on his face. He found where it was out of place, and tried to take a deep breath to calm himself.

All it did was make it worse.

He breathed out slowly, then on the next inhaled pushed the bone back into place.

Jin had never felt anything more painful in his life. He screamed, eyes squeezed closed as tears fell, his head thrown back against the vehicle as he sobbed.

But there was no one around to hear.

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