Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


A Year and a Half Later

Every time I look back, I can't remember how I felt back then. The pain of not being able to share with the world of how Chase and I had finally gotten together after years and years of the two of us liking each other. I wasn't able to see it before, but now I know what Chase means when he says that he really has liked me this whole time. Even though he didn't even really realize it until 9th grade. I like to know that everyone else got to have their relationships easily. Because although that was hard to deal with back then, it makes for a good story now.

Leo and Janelle have been dating for about a year and a half now. Which obviously means that Chase and I have been dating for a year and seven months. Then of course there's the on again off again couple, Adam and Caitlyn.

Chase and I graduated with honors. I will always remember walking across that stage and looking back into the crowd of students. Even then I was able to see Chase out of everyone. Adam graduated a year ago. Leo is set to graduate early after the fall semester. Quoting him exactly, he says he's,"ready to get his life started. No more of this college drama." I always laugh when he tells that story. Chase and I are the reason for the majority of it.

"Are you ready?" Chase called from the living room.

"Yep." I called as I made my way out to meet my boyfriend. I smiled as I saw we were once again matching. I think blue is our color.

"I think tonight will be amazing." Chase said as we left the apartment that we now pay for. The dads didn't lie, we would take it over after college.

"I think it will be too. I'm really excited for the fireworks. I love the Fourth of July." I replied with a wide smile as we walked down to the MCU campus. That's where all the students and alumni were able to watch the fireworks. It took us about ten minutes to get down there. We found Leo, Janelle, Caitlyn, and Adam sitting in our usual spot: under the trees in front of the campus. There was a little lake to the left and the stairs of campus to the right. I sighed as I remembered the times when we once walked those to classes everyday. It seemed like just yesterday.

"Are you guys excited? It's going to be the biggest fireworks show in twenty years. Or at least that's what Big D was saying." Leo said as we set out our blanket in the grass. Chase pulled me to lie down by him. I laughed at his goofy grin. This was the same blanket we sat on at our first date. I turned to my self proclaimed girl best friend, Caitlyn. She was sitting next to Adam against the tree. They were back together for now. I wouldn't be surprised if they broke up during the firework show though. They usually got into some stupid arguments.

"Hey Caitlyn." I said from behind Chase. She smiled and waved over to me.

"Hey Bree. How was the anniversary dinner?" Caitlyn asked as she referred back to Chase and I's dinner we had earlier. We decided we would have an anniversary celebration every month and a vacation every year.

"It was great! You guys have to try the new pasta at the pizza place. Oh and..." I left off as I got up from the blanket and made my way over to kneel in front of Caitlyn. Chase glared playfully at me as I waved Janelle over. I stuck my tongue out at him as I waited for the girls to see what Chase had given me.

"Oh my gosh Bree! It's beautiful!" Caitlyn squealed as she saw the bracelet Chase had given me an hour ago.

"Bracelet to match the necklace, nice." Leo and Adam said together as the motioned to me. Chase nodded with a goofy smile.

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