Chapter 6

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"Hey Barbra!" I give her a cheeky grin. As soon as we make eye contact she seems to be glowing. "Harry! How are you?!" She runs out of the booth, over to me. She grabs my waist and pulls me in for a hug. I feel like she is my other mum. One time when my mum and I were fighting, I came right the the rink and skated all night, while Barbra coached me. Her son used to play hockey, but he moved to Australia for his wife. I mostly remember the little things about people, but they usually have the biggest impact. "Harry, how's your mom? She's well? How's gem? I haven't seen her here!"

"Everyone's good. Do you need my ID to skate?" I ask even though I know the answer, "of course not. Go ahead sweetheart." I slip on my skates and take out my favorite stick that I borrow from the rink. I skate on the ice as fast as I can and begin to move the puck on the ice.

Feeling the smooth ice under my skates, is the best feeling ever. I see the net at the end of the ice and I stop at the middle line. I move my feet and move the puck with me. I take a slap shot and hit the water bottle off the top, onto the ice. I look at Barbra and she's clapping for me. "Nice!" She calls out. I can't help but smile. I skate back around and when I see familiar light brown hair. I see the hight being extended as E is on her skates. I skate over to the little glass door and open it up for her.

She looks flawless. Her hair is curled with a headband holding her hair back. She's wearing brown earmuffs with a black jacket and neon pink gloves. "Hey, you look great." I smile and push my hair back. It's an annoying habit that I possess, but girls seem to like the curls. "Hey, so do you!" She smiles as she gets on the ice. I begin to skate away and I forgot that she probably doesn't know how to skate fast. "Sorry, I'm coming." I yell to her when she's in the exact same spot she was five minutes ago. "Ha. Do you skate?" She grabs onto my arm as I skate by. I slow down and try to match her foot pattern. "Yeah, I play hockey." She looks up at my towering hight compared to her.

"Are you on the team?" I laugh in my head, me on a team. I'm always the last one to get picked in P.E for the stupid sports. "Nah, I'm not one to get chosen for teams." I use quotes around teams with my fingers because it's not like their going to any major leagues. You're not going to make it in the NFL or the NHL. "Oh, well you could defiantly work on a team! You skate fast and I saw your slap shot." She saw that? I thought girls like the jock football players and the cheerleaders? "You like hockey?" I look down at her and she's focusing on not falling. She's watching her feet and she is constantly squeezing my arm.

I'm only wearing my black Columbia and a t-shirt. I'm a very warm person. "You're also strong." She squeezes my bicep and I can't believe she noticed that. "Yeah, I work out." I look forward as we approach the bend on the ice. "Woah, not so fast." She grabs onto my arm with her other hand and squeezes my arm. "You really don't want to fall, do you?" She looks up at me with glowing eyes, "No! That's embarrassing." I just laugh and skate away from her. Her arms fling up and she stopped dead in her tracks. "Harry!" She stops and barley moves her feet to get to the side. I pick up my stick that I leaned against the boards. I thrrow it over the glass to the other side.

I'm on the other side of the rink, so I start to run in my skates. I'm slowly picking up speed as I approach her. She looks like she's hanging on for dear life. "Babe, you'll be fine." I let the words roll off my tongue. It's an English thing to call girls babes and or love. American girls apparently like it.

"Harry, please save me?" She pushes out her bottom lip at me. I can't help but feel bad, so I skate quickly over to her. "I'm here, love." Dammit, I'm so used to saying that. "Yay." She smiles and hooks into my arm once more. "The suns going down." I point out the obvious. It's only four o'clock but it's been getting dark really early. "Yeah, I gotta be home before six." She frowns. I open the glass door and lead her out. I close the door and realize that we had been skating for almost 3 hours. "Shit, I better go too."

She takes off her white skates and I take off my hockey skates, "You figure skate?" I don't know why, but I could just imagine her curled hair twirling in the breeze as she did a figure eight. The crowd would go wild as pictures would be taken. Her outfit would be completely white with sparkles on the sleeves.

"Harry?" I am immediately snapped out of my thoughts. "Sorry, you were saying?" She begins to tie her black converse as I begin to tie my boots, my mum got me for Christmas last year. "I used to as a little girl. But then my mom left so I stopped.." She trailed off. I looked at her with sympathetic eyes, "My dad left us when I was young. So instead of moping, I started hockey." I hoped sharing this with her, she might open up. "My mom was a drunk and one day, she said she couldn't take it. I remember not crying. I wasn't upset at all, I saw it coming." She looks down and rests her elbows on her knees. "Well, find something that you like to do. Or something that interests you?"

She smiles in the corner of her mouth and I'm confused, "You interest me.." She looks down at her feet and stands. I stand up and try to register the words that just came out of her mouth. "Me? Why me?" I'm not used to being "wanted" by anyone beside my mum or Gemma. But they need me, people at school plainly told me they didn't need me here. "Well I think there's more to you then you put out. You're so nice compared to the people who are jerks. I'm sorry for those people. More people should be like you."

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