Chapter 8

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That night I barely got any sleep. I could hear my mum pacing back and forth the whole night. I doubt that she got any sleep either.

When I decided to open my eyes, I said, "Mum, when can we go home." I saw that Gemma was in the hospital bed with white cloth wrapped around her head and tubes going up her nose. "I dont know, but the bakery needs to be opened. I could stay here and you could go. You can have the house to yourself for a while?"

The thought that my mum would leave me alone, never struck my mind. "Sure. I'll come visit every once in a while okay?" The only reason I'm not freaking out is because, as a child, I would always over react. One time I found my mum smoking and I assumed that that would be her death wish. I was raised to believe that smoking was horrible and how it would give people lung cancer in a second. Now, that I'm older, I understand what it feels like. I used to smoke when I was about 14 in London. It was cool to smoke on the side of buildings while whistling at girls.

"Okay, I love you." My mum pulls me from my flashbacks,"Love you too." I hug her once more before leaving. I walk over to Gemma and kiss her hand. When I leave the bleach smelling hospital, I can finally breath. I walk to my car and start it in silence. I don't even want the radio to go on because that's stupid boy band that Gemma likes is always on.

When I finally read the highway, I decide to call Zayn. I haven't talked to him in so long and I want to know what he's up to. "Hey, mate! How are you?" I happily say into the speaker, "Good, yeah good. I was just out with the Mrs., she wants to say hello." He is so cooly spoken that it makes my head almost hurt. "Hey Harry! We went to this new restaurant next to the old diner! I forgot what it's called, but I was a lovely place." She seems so happy and I want to know why, "You sound so happy?"

I glance at my mirrors and change lanes. "Yes, well..." I can tell she's looking at Zayn. "Well, Zayn proposed!" I hit the breaks on my car and hear people honking at me. I flip them off and say, "WHAT!!? Congrats!" She hands the phone to Zayn, "Yeah, I mean we were dating for almost 5 years. I was being a pussy for them. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her." Perrie awes in the background I I nearly barf.

Zayn? Zayn was basically the leader at the frat house. He has tons of tattoos and he never dated until he met Perrie. Why would he just do that? He's throwing his life away for a girl. I've never been one to get married or even think about "love" with someone besides family.

"Yeah, the weddings gonna be cool." I get off the highway and turn onto a dark road. "When's the wedding?" I hear Zayn take a deep breath before answering, "Well in about two weeks. We want a winter wedding and we both have been saving up for 2 years and were ready." I pull over on the dark side of the road, and put my car in park. "Mate, I'm so happy for you. You both deserve it." Damn I'm good.

"Thanks, well were home. I'll call you sometime okay? And I'll give you wedding plans. I wanted you and the other boys to be the best men." I can't help but smile because he actually thought of us. I'll have to call Louis later and tell him the news about them. I know that he'll be supportive and him and I could match or something.

We exchange goodbyes and we both hang up. My radio is now low and I just close my eyes. "What the fuck am I doing with my life?" I look out of my sunroof in my car, and look at the stars. I watch this particularly bright one next to the Big Dipper. I watch it for about five minutes and it shoots off into more black space. I roll my eyes and make a stupid wish.

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