Chapter One

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I hug my mother as a good bye for the day, I head to my father who is waiting in the car to take me to school, he rushes me to get in else I'll be late, I chuckle and sit in the passenger seat. I wave to my mom as she stands in the door way of our home, she smiles and waves back as dad drives off taking me to my first day of high school. I've been nervous all morning about it, I barely made it through breakfast since I kept shaking, but my mom told me,

"My child, you may be nervous now, I understand why, but don't let it take you down the wrong road. You are a strong girl with a very smart and happy mind, stay that way, my rose."

Heh, she's right, what do I have to be nervous about? I mean middle school went by so smooth, getting sent all over town because kids don't like me, teachers ignore me, my grades fall drastically each year. But I managed through that, so this should be a piece of Apple pie. I smile, my dad glances over to me since we're stopped at a red light,

"What's the smile for Sarah?" His tone, so dismissive, did I do something wrong?

"Huh? It's nothing dad just trying to think positively, you know?" I tried to hide my sour tone to his rather crushing glare.

His eyes return to the road, finally. His mouth opens slowly as he brings a fresh cigarette up from his coat pocket, places it in his mouth and lights it as he slows down a bit to do so.

"Don't you think it'd probably be better to wait for a stop sign or something to do that?" Instant regret filled my veins.

"Don't you EVER tell me what to do!" His voice boomed over the car's engine, I'm sure the Propers behind us heard his howl.

He blows his smoke in my direction, I cover my face with my scarf. What is his deal, I was only trying to help. My eyes water a bit, I can't stand him, he hates me I know it! But he's my father, how can one hate family.. We pull up to the school, I open my door, quickly getting out before he says anything. I adjust my bag so it rests comfortably on my left side, I hear my dad make a hard U-turn as others beep at him for being reckless. I sigh and wipe my eyes dry with the sleeve of my sweater. A woman waves me down,

"HEY! ARE YOU HERE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY? COME OVER HERE TO GET YOUR SCHEDULE!" She calls from a few feet away standing behind a table. I walk over to the woman, a Proper, she greets me with a smile,

"Hello sweety, all I need is your name and I'll give you your schedule for your first year in Kalvin Academy High!"

Her voice so excited and happy, she doesn't know. I return her smile with my own,

"My name's Sarah Kwan."

The woman nods and flips through papers, before finding mine, she hands it to me,

"Here you go Ms. Kwan, I hope you have a great first day! If you have any trouble getting around the building, just ask around, I'm sure someone will be willing to help such a lovely young girl. Go on now, you'll be late for first period, now that wouldn't be good for the first day now would it?" She's so calming and hopeful, I take the paper,

"May I ask you your name?" She smiles lightly,

"Erina Grafton, I'm this school's guidance counselor, if you ever need to talk, my office is right next the main office, first door to the left." She smiles,

"Will do Ms. Grafton, thank you very much." I smile, she nods, and I head into school to begin my first day.

Upon entering students flood the halls, in a mess of confusion, Outcast and Propers brush each other to get through, no one's singled out, no one at all, except me. I put my hands to my chest, over the necklace under my shirt, I begin to walk to one of the security guards,

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