Chapter Seven

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I sit up quickly from my bed after feeling a heavy force against my chest I clutch at my neck struggling to breathe, I punch at my wall, then roll off my bed punching and kicking at the floor. Nicole must hear something, "Nicky!" I force myself to yell out, I hear her moving on her bed,

"SARAH!" She gets up quickly coming to me, "Sarah, what's going on?" I shake my head and point to my Soul, she grabs it for me. As she was bringing it to me it falls from her hands, I barely manage to move my hands to catch it safely. I bring it close to my chest, the Soul was fervid, glowing brightly and moving sporadically, it was even warm to the touch. "Sarah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to drop it, it just seemed like it didn't want me to hold it... What's going on Sarah?" She asks as she sits next to me as I sit against my bed.

"I... I don't know..." I said as I slowly catch my breath, my Soul calms down while I keep it close to me, "I couldn't breathe... I hope this is just a dream, but I know it's not... This feels real, unlike what I woke up from..." She rubs my left shoulder, I move away slightly, "Please don't touch me right now.... It feels as if I'm going to break..." She retracts her hand and sits with her hands on her lap,

"What was the dream? If it's alright to talk about it. It must've shaken you really bad to reach your Soul like that..." I shake my head, "Alright, but I'll be sitting right here until you feel better." I hug my knees to my chest after putting my Soul on.

"Thank you, Nicole... For being here..." She doesn't respond, I look over to her as I hear faint snoring, she is slumped to the left sleeping, must still be early in the morning. I pick myself up slowly to see my digital clock, it reads, 3:29 AM. I put my left arm around her and rest her head on my chest moving her hair from her face. Hours go by as the sunrises,

"Hmm... Sarah...?" Nicole asks as she wakes from her sudden slumber, "Are you okay?"

"Easy Nicky, no need to get up so quickly and yes I'm fine Nicole." She looks up at me as I rub her left arm, "How are you feeling sleeping beauty? You went back to sleep when you realized I was fine but didn't make it to your bed." I stretch my legs out as she readjusts herself to look at me without hurting her neck, her head rests on my lap,

"You were in pain earlier, what happened?" I sigh before answering,

"It was a terrible dream, I was walking down an empty hall adorned with pictures from my life and candles next to each them light up as I passed. When I looked at the hanging photos echoes of hate boomed in the hall. It made me feel isolated, vulnerable, hopeless... Broken... All those I've felt growing up, it festered my mind and hurt my Soul..." I began shaking as I spoke, tears formed in my eyes, "I saw you and Eno being turned, not by choice but by force... Nicole, you once told me, "A cracked Soul is just a clock ticking away until the Soul turns to dust, Eno and I may not have a lot of time here."" I take a breath to shake off the cracks in my voice, "That's what you said, word for word. Please, promise me that I won't have to see you turn to dust..." She sits up, faces me, and hugs me tightly,

"Sarah, I won't be going anywhere anytime soon, I can't speak for Eno, but I promise you no matter what happens from now on I will be by your side regardless of my feelings when wearing your Soul, I'll put those aside for your sake. But if anyone tries to hurt you they'll have to get through me first, I'll do what I can to protect you from harm as best I could. So long as my Soul stays whole, I'll be right by your side." She lets go of me, I smile,

"Funny, whenever someone says things like that they always break the hug. Worry not, just a funny observation." I chuckle lightly, Nicole gives a soft smile, "Anyways, thank you for telling me that Nicky, come," I get up and stretch my arms over my head then rest them to my sides, "Let's brush up and make some breakfast." She gets up and goes to the bathroom. I go to the kitchen to begin making our breakfast, I begin to make some fried eggs, bacon, home fries, and toast. Nicole comes in leaning over my shoulder, "Ready to take over here while I freshen up?" She nods as I hand her the spatula. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I finish I hear a knocking at the front door, I quickly dry my face and rush to the door. I open it to see Eno,

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