Chapter Three

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I awake slowly to the sound of my alarm ringing loudly, I reach over to my nightstand and turn it off. After sitting up I stretch my arms over my head, looking out the window, dark clouds hover, a stillness in the breeze, I get out of bed stretching out the rest of my body, I look at my mirror, my hair is a mess, running a few fingers through it I sigh, "What am I going to do with you..?" I say to myself as I walk closer to the mirror, "Guess it doesn't matter, I have to start my day anyways." I take up some clothes to wear for school, a purple and black striped shirt, and black jeans. "That'll do for today's outfit." I say with a small smile, I gather up my things for my morning shower. After my shower and putting on my clothes I've taken out, I return to the mirror to brush my hair. I sit down on my chair looking at my hair, there's a soft knock at my door, followed by my mom entering,

"Good morning little rose, need some help there?" She asks happily while messing with me hair.

"Well there's not much I can do with it this short.." I say quietly. Looking in the mirror to the digital clock next to my bed reads, 7:30am, "I'm running low on time mom, I have by 9 to be in school and the drive there will be at least an hour." She smiles, nods, then leaves my room. I shake my head letting my hair style as it may. After doing so my hair gently falls over my ears and my bangs are slightly covering my forehead, I smile at the random style.

"Little rose, I've made you two sandwiches, peanut butter and banana, if you want you could eat them on the way." My mom tells me from my door way as I put my soul on gently resting it just above my chest.

"Thanks mom, I'll eat it in the car.." I turn around to her, "About yesterday.." She holds her hand out,

"It's alright, after you left for the Council, your father and I had a long talk, I pretty much told him if he cannot accept you as you are there's no reason to be in your life anymore.. So he has returned to his old apartment for the time being. Hopefully he can make amends with himself for his actions and feelings toward you and Propers." I grab my bag and sweater as she talks, I didn't care much for him, but I still worried about his well being, I sigh,

"Hopefully sooner rather than later, shall we be off? I've an hour to get to school on time," I walk past her to the kitchen grabbing the plate that holds my favorite peanut butter and banana sandwich, "Come on mom I really can't be too late I'll get in trouble." I say digging my teeth into one of the sandwiches as I had out the door with mom close at heel. She opens the door for me, I take my seat as closes the door, she goes to her side as I finish up my first sandwich. She begins the drive.

I finish my sandwiches and wash it down with some iced coffee that my mom picked up at a gas station before getting on the highway to town. "Sarah, tell me, how are things in school?"

I look over to her as I take another sip of my coffee, "Things are, for the most part, good I guess... I hope for things to be better today," I look at my schedule, "I've a new set of classes for today, seems we have different classes each day." I sigh turning my heart around a few times.

My mom rubs my left shoulder, "Don't worry so much about it, sure people might whisper about it, but they only do it from behind, why, because they belong there, Proper or Outcast alike." She returns her focus to the road, "You just worry about making a difference for both of them."

I think for a moment, "....Make a difference for both of them." I hold my right hand to my chin, "I see both sides of the struggle, I can probably do something about it..." My mom laughs to herself,

"Thinking out loud huh? Guess habits die hard. We're almost at your school so you may want to keep the thinking inside that head of yours, don't want the wrong ears to hear your bright words." I smile,

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