Shes not coming

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The plane arrived 2 hours later at forks air port and my legs twitched anxiously as I waited for the mans gruffly voice to come over the intercom, and as soon as the mans voice was heard I was up and out of my seat racing to the door that would get me off of this flying death trap. I pushed a tall man as cold as ice and strong as stone and almost fell on my ass before I could get to the door. I turned back after immediately feeling bad about pushing him and saw a flash of bronze hair.

As soon as I had seen it it was gone. That bronze hair, that was what I had seen before at the accident from the silver Volvo. I shook my head as long as I didn't see the Volvo I was ok. It was just my mind playing tricks on me. I continued at a slower pace now. Cautious for no reason. As soon as I foot touched the wet ground I smiled in content and began to walk into the main building, looking for a man that goes by the name of Charlie. My father.

That's the thing there's a difference in your ' Father' and your 'dad'. Your father is biological and only because of a 1 night stand your mother had, your dad on the other hand, he's the one there for you no matter what. I don't really have a dad, for I never really thought about it and I took that for granted, Phil was the closest I had to a dad and kept trying to get me to call him dad, just once and I never did. And now he's gone. That's one thing I regret every single day. Along with the rest of the list.

A hot tear flowed down my cheek as I walked around just watching the crowd, as people piled into loved ones cars or hugging them tightly as if they'd never see them again. I smiled bitterly I new how true that was. I walked around for another ten minutes until almost everyone had left, and then I saw Charlie. He stood rather close to his black and white sheriffs cruiser as if someone would come take it or vandalize it. He was looking around slowly. My heart almost stopped entirely when his eyes landed on me. His scruffy beard still looks like it did 12 years ago. He stood with his arms across his chest and out of habit I tilted my head down.

I walked over to him slowly as if judging my every step and secretly counting how long I'd have to get away if things went badly. When I was nearly toe to toe with him dropped my stuff and stiffly threw my arms around him. He seemed unprepared as all he did was pat my hair. I recollecting my belongings quickly as I climbed into the back of the cruiser. Once the door was shut I reached into my back pocket and grabbed the jewelry from my back pocket.

I grabbed my mothers second engagement ring, a bright red ruby placed in the centre of 5 smaller diamonds set along a sliver band of iron. It was beautiful and my moms so it meant so much more. I slipped it on my right index finger and played with it. Before reaching into my pocket again an grabbing Bella's necklace. It had a bright red rock set in the middle of the chain. It laid right beside my own necklace. All my family's tags were on it and it had been recently adjusted so that in now said when they had died along with their full name, and date of birth. It also said what role they played in my family.

A warm tear slipped down my cheek as i slipped mom a Phil's rings on and put Charlie's engagement ring to my mothers on it too. His ring was a clear coloured rock on top of a silver band. Nothing else, not fancy. I secured the chain around my neck and just played with the tags on my chest. Charlie re-opened the door up and poked his head in.

"Cassie where's Bella?" A hot tear made its way down my cheek. No one has ever asked that question people had just known to leave it alone. I just turned my shoulder to him and lowered my gaze as more tears crept into my eyes.

"She isn't coming." I spoke, my voice quavering.

"Why not?" Charlie pushed sounding hurt. More tears fell down my cheeks.

"She can't." I said former urging him to just drop it. He didn't.

"Why!" He shouted at me. And I broke.

"BECAUSE OF THIS!" I screamed turning to him showing him the tags. Phil had served before he began baseball so we all got tags. The others had been buried with theirs. Charlie's usually tan face paled as he saw what Bella's tag said.

"I'm sorry I didn't know."

"NO DUH!" I cried out.

"Don't take that tone on me. I'm your dad. I deserve respect from you." He demanded to me.

"Because I killed him, I killed them all! Im the reason their all dead." I cried out. Before I turned and collapsed onto my suit case my hands over my head as if that would protect me from the cruel memories that ran through my head. But it couldn't stop them, it didn't fix anything. Charlie said nothing else and shut the door, walked around and got into the front seat started the car and drove off. He left it silent and I was ok with it, I didn't want to talk to him, there was nothing to talk about. Nothing else to be said. I sat up slowly and fiddled with the tags. And that's how it went. All that was heard on our painfully slow drive was the tinkling the metal made and it touched each other and our quiet breathing.

An hour later we arrived in the small town of Forks Washington my new home. Silently we both exited the small cruiser and walked into the house. I just walked up the steep stair case. I heard the TV turn on from downstairs and a beer can open as I walked into Bella and I's old room. I walked over to the window seat and Softly set my stuff int the corner of the room before trudging over to the bed my moms blanket and picture in hand. I set the picture up on the nightstand and laid down on the bed wrapped in my mothers blanket.

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