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"Hey mom?"
"I'm nervous." I whispered. We were on a trip for my competition.
"Oh hunny," My mother started. I cut her off quickly.
"No mom! You don't understand, I requested something extra special. I rehearsed it forever. It has to be perfect." I spoke, my voice twitched. Bella placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Tell her, it's ok Cassie." I only nodded.
"The dance is for you mom." I whispered but I'm sure she had heard me. Yep, my mothers face lit up, she loved talking about figure skating, and I had taken it when I was little. My mom beamed at me.
"Surprise."I laughed sourly. Phil put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure it will be wonderful." He smiled. I looked back to see him pull mom to his side, she looked up at him with love and adoration in her eyes. I looked in the rear view mirror to see him hold her face while slouching in his seat.With my moms body stretched out over him. He laughed throatily before capturing her lips in a kiss.
"Eww!" Bella shrieked. Bella was my older sister and idol, and was currently in the passenger seat picking a song from my phone.
"Yeah guys! Keep it pg!" I shrieked back and watched as both their faces turned pink. Bella noticed it to and started to laugh. Turning her gaze back to the phone she tapped viciously on the phone. A minute later she turned to me and grinned evilly. Before turning on my moms favourite song ' River flows in you' by Yiruma. I smiled. That was the song I was dancing to. My mom smiled giddily like a child. She squealed. I nodded keeping my eyes trained on the road. I had only just gotten my licence recently and I was pretty used to driving.
"Ok, calm-" my sentence got cut off when a slick, silver Volvo came whipping around the corner plowing right into the passenger side of my car. Bella and my moms side. It hit the front first and Bella's loud scream was almost as loud as the tires skidding on the road as we slid from the impact before flipping over and rolling. Bella's screaming was cut short as the car stopped. I was barely aware what was happening. I cried out in pain as the windows broke sending shards if glass to rain down on us. Glass grazed my arms and my ice-skate had somehow flown up and landed in my stabbed into my stomach as we came to a stop. I screamed loudly as pain shot up through out my body.

I was barely aware of the cars approaching as bright crimson blood dripped down my face. I looked over to my right and a sob was caught in my throat. Bella was the first one I saw. She was covered in blood and glass hanging there and I almost lost my lunch at the sight. Her neck was bent at an odd angle and the vaccant look in her eyes gave it away, even her chest didn't rise anymore. She was dead.

I cried my tears mixing in with the blood. I looked at my parents. My moms body was covered in blood and with the amount of blood around her you could tell she was dead. But Phil. I felt bad, his body was severely mangled from trying to protect my mom.

The sob broke its way out of my throat and I screamed loudly at the realization that all my family was dead and I had killed them. I cried loud heart wrenching sobs as I heard cars come to a stop. I slowly crawled out of the car. Clutching my stomach I removed to skate. Blood gushed out of my stomach as I hunched over my hands pressed firmly to my gut. I stood shakily. Before falling with a thud onto my knees as I hissed in pain. But I was up just long enough to see
7 people piled out of 3 cars, rather quickly.

1 car a shiny silver Volvo,the one I had hit. The 2nd a red jeep, the 3rd a black Mercedes. 4 piled out of the jeep all walking with grace moving like water. In front was a breathtaking girl holding hands with a tall strong boy. As soon as they saw the damage they started to rush over. Black dots starting to form in my eyes as I fought to stay awake. Right behind them was a short pixie girl with a tall blonde. They all halted as if smelling something foul before continuing slowly. The pixie holding tightly on to the mans arm.

Then out of the Mercedes came another couple both tall-ish although the girl was much shorter than the man. Immediately when the man saw the wreck he hurried over to my parents which was closets to the 2 though the lady saw me first and rushed over pulling me into her embrace. I sobbed and screamed into her shoulder.
"CALL 911 NOW!" A voice boomed. I finally looked back at the Volvo. I was sure that was what I hit. I noticed little damage was done to it, and a young man jumped out of the car racing inhumanly towards the car. I only caught sight of his copper hair before the big guy was dragging him back. The pixie slowly following suit in dragging the other back. The blond stayed though. She gripped m hand and patted my hair, before quietly whispering soothing nothings into my ear. The man finally got to me with a grim look before assessing my damage. He started talking quickly his bright blonde hair starting to get blood in it, finally he looked up at me. Right before I blanked I saw his bright golden eyes and heard him say 1 sentence.
"Your going to be alright." Then I passed out.

Fix Me(Edward Cullen Love Story)DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now