Skating with the Blacks

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Morning came around quicker that I had expected and the blaring sun was giving no mercy whatsoever on my body. As I lifted my heavy body from my warm, soft bed images of last night flooded my memory. Why was the bronze haired beauty in my bed? And why was he so cold? I contemplated this as I drug my stiff body over to my suitcase, grabbing my clothes(a black tank top, leggings, lace panties and bra then normal ankle socks, and my sweater) before going to the bathroom.

I slipped the flower clip out of my hair and undid it, watching as it fell in thick waves down my back. As soon as i was undressed I quickly hopped in the shower and let the hot water trail over my body , relaxing my tense muscles. I smiled and continued on with my shower.

When I exited warmth of the shower, I was quick to get my clothes on and towel dried my hair before exiting the small bathroom. I made sure to be quite heading down the creaky steps. As I reached the bottom of the stairs I heard Charlie's faint approaching steps. I turned around slowly looking for him and my heart plummeted into my stomach. Sure enough, out the window on the edge of the tree line the bronze haired man stood. As soon as he saw my gaze at him he was gone. In a flash, almost as if he wasn't there to begin with. I quickly averted my eyes to Charlie who was now standing in the door way, looking at me strangely. We stayed in an uncomfortable silence until finally I cracked.

"Yes?" I asked rated rudely. Charlie sighed as if he was expecting it.

"Let's go." He spoke rather vague, before turning around and walking outside to the cruiser. He gave me little to no choice but to follow him. As I reached the cruiser I noticed my skating bag laid in the back of it.

"Whys my bag in your car?" I asked rudely seeking as though he was touching it and went into my room to get it.

"My friend Billy and his son wanted to go skating and I saw your bag so while you were in the shower and I thought we could go." I just nodded meekly understanding.

"Ok." I mumbled softly. And then we set off for the ice rink.

We arrived at the rink a couple minutes later and another truck was already parked there.

"Their inside," he said seeing my gaze at the truck. He reached back into the cruiser and grabbed my bag. We slowly walked into the large building. Taking it all in. It was huge for such a little town. When we entered there was no one on the ice except for an older man with long black hair in a wheel chair and a younger boy who looked about my age with short black hair. Father and son I'm guessing. Both had strikingly similar features to the other. They both had tan skin and both looked pretty strong. The same shaped eyes and colour. The same dimples. They were like clones of eachother.

"Billy!" Charlie spoke rushing towards the man in the wheel chair. Well that cleared that up.

"Charlie!" Billy shouted back. They both bro hugged as well as they could and Charlie easily leaned over, put him in a head lock and gave him a little knuggie on his head, before Billy rammed the wheel chair into his ankles. I smiled. They were so entertaining. Both acting like little kids.

The older boy seemed to be the first one to notice me, before he skated over to the edge of the rink.

"Hi I'm Jacob, you must be Cassie. Charlie's daughter, don't worry this is normal for them. And I think it's getting worse with age." He laughed. His short black hair almost stuck to his head. He was wearing a black tank top and grey sweats. Thy easily defined his muscles and he was very charming and seemed to be very nice. I nodded. He smiled warmly at me and I returned it back to him. I liked him already. I noticed that he had a giant black tribal tattoo covering his chest and right arm. I pointed to it like a child.

"Nice tattoo." I said.

"Thanks," He said surprised i had pointed it out. I nodded back at him.

"Oh how stupid can I be.." Charlie started. I had to stop myself from answering that.

"Billy, Jacob this is my youngest daughter, Cassie. Cassie, this is Billy and Jacob." He said pointing to both of them.

"Kind of figured that out." I laughed. He looked at me stupidly and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Anyways, My dad's being goalie for our hockey game and I'm guessing your fathers playing. You going to join?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. I shrugged before he was handing me a stick.

"I guess so." I mumbled. He laughed loudly before leaving me to lace up my skates.

15 minutes later I found myself with the puck and swiftly scoring on billy, that was 10 -7 we won. I let out a triumphant hoot before skating back over to Jacob.

"How does it feel to lose to a girl?" I said as I passed him. Making fun of it. I quickly hugged Charlie before announcing.

"Ok I want to beat Charlie and Jacob now. Billy your on my team."

"Finally we'll win!" He laughed loudly as he stationed himself as goalie. I nodded.

"Hey! Not cool dad!" Jacob whined. I quickly found myself liking him more and more seeing as though he was like my new best friend. 20 minutes later I found myself on my ass from Jacob after we had switched again. Me and Billy had whooped their asses so now it was me and Jake against Charlie and Billy. Me and Charlie were starting it off first and I easily got the puck away from him and into the net, first shot. I laughed at him on the way back.

"Come on old man!" Me and Jacob laughed. After the game Jacob came up and grabbed me in a hug swiftly after we had beaten them.

"WE ARE THE ULTIMATE TEAM!" He shouted, beaming but before he could say anything else Charlie's phone had went off and I swear we all froze at the sound. He quickly went to answer it. After a minute he spoke sadly.

"Sorry guys there has been an emergency at the hospital that I need-" I cut him off.

"No it's ok, it's your work. Go!" I said waving my hands at him. He nodded sadly before taking off. A couple of minutes had passed before Billy too spoke.

"We better go now, Jake." Billy said. Jake looked disappointed but I just smiled at him and handed back the stick, then they too left. I skated over to the side of the rink and contemplated what I was going to do. I could stay here or leave and try to find my way back. I chose stay. I noticed after dragging my eyes over the building it was only me in here. I couldn't resist. I walked over to my phone and after making sure no one was watching switched on 'river flows in you'. I missed my mom so much and this reminded me of her the most. I did the little dance putting all my bottled up emotion into it. And I danced. Forgetting the world.

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