Moms dance

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As soon as the music hit me my body felt the familiar tug and I couldn't resist closing my eyes and letting it happen. I started off slow but as the familiar motions flowed in the more passion got thrown into the mixture. Memories on how many nights I had spent working on this imperticular dance flew threw my head so fast I would of been on my ass so quickly if I had been standing. But I wasn't. And I couldn't help but mimic the movements in my memory. Except for the falling. I had my eyes closed tightly as if to focus harder on the memories, and I let myself get lost in the beautiful tunes.

I only stopped at the very end when I heard lots of clapping. I spun around so quickly that if you had blinked you wouldn't have seen me move. My mind broke a little more when I turned to see one of the things I dreaded most. There Charlie stood with a crowd of 7 other people. He was beaming. I took a closer look at the 7 not being able to see them in the bright my eyes adjusted I gasped at what I saw. It was the people from the crash. I looked at the first man which happened to be in front of the group. He was clapping loudly.

"Ah manifico! Charlie you didn't tell us your daughter skated!" He boomed. I smiled at his enthusiasm. He was a man about 6 foot with slicked back blonde hair in a doctors coat. He carried. His golden eyes didn't surprise me as much as the kind look on his face. Those aren't given to a murderer.

Next to him was a small women with a kind face as she stood smiling brightly at me. I watched as he wrapped an arm around her slender waist. Her heart shaped face smiled motherly at me and a tear fell down my cheek. My mother will never do that again.

"Oh honey, why are you crying." She said running down to me. Obviously seeing the tears. I quickly skated over to the side and as soon as she was on the ice I enveloped her in a tight hug. She put her arms around me as a mother would do for a child. She stroked my back soothingly as I cried into her shoulder. She was there. And she helped me. Without even knowing me.

"Thank you," I kept saying over and over again into her shoulder. My eyes squeezed tightly as I did so. She said nothing and just let me cry.

When I finally looked up again I noticed a breath taking beautiful blonde coming closer slower. Her eyes held concern and I made sure I had motioned her over before I pulled her into the hug. We stayed like that for another minute before I finally let them go. They both smiled at me sadly and the first man came back down over to me, and said.

"This is my wife Esme, my oldest daughter Rosalie an her boyfriend Emmet." He said pointing to the big burly guy standing behind her. I nodded.

"And that's Alice and Jasper." He said pointing to the cowboy and pixie. "I'm Carlisle and that's my oldest son Edward." I looked up and saw the bronze haired boy looking at me. I looked back at Carlisle before hugging him to and said.

"Thank you for trying to help my family. But I'm not okay." I said before going to hug Alice and Jasper thanking them and went back to stand by Rosalie and Esme. They nodded and Alice walked over.

"We are all going to be BestFriends!" She squealed before hugging me tightly.

"You have to tell where you learned to dance so good." Rosalie said.

"My mom taught me."

"Is that what the dance was about?" Esme asked.

"Yes it was for my mother, but she never saw it." And then I skated over to Charlie. I hugged him, before grabbing his hockey stick and saying.

"We going to play or what?" He laughed before nodding and putting his skates on. I turned to the others.

"You guys playing?" I said making my face emotionless. They all nodded.

"I'll be the referee." Esme started. Everyone put on their skates.

"Ok, Rosalie, Alice your on my team, we need a boy seeing as though Esme isn't playing." Jasper stepped forward quickly standing by Alice's side and I mentally fawned. I nodded to them before both teams skated to our posts. Then the game started.

It was me and Carlisle starting. I smirked at him and as soon as the puck touched the ice I had it and was skating through the boys. Edward came at me first and I almost stopped. He was the driver. I skated around him last minute. Then it was Emmet he smirked before attempting to tackle me. I smirked back before dodging his blow. He seemed shocked when I got the first point.

"Damn! Little girls got sass!" He shouted.

"Well at least I have it!" I retorted an I swear I saw Edward smirk at my comment while I skated back to my team which were standing there in awe. I smiled before we started again.

"Get Cassie!" Charlie shouted and me being me became the target. They got the next point. After I had landed on my ass from Emmet literally picking me up to stop me from going after the puck. Talk about cheating.

"Damn girl! Your light."he shouted before dropping me on my ass.

"Asshole." I muttered and Emmet laughed at me. Soon it was Alice and Charlie as goalies. Pretty soon it was 9-3 my team being 9. I had gotten most of the goals but that's ok it was fun rushing past them and laughing when I scored. Soon Emmet started glaring at me and Carlisle started complaining how I should be on his team. And all I could do is laugh.

"How I call it cheat!" Emmet shouted as we started again. This time it was for the last point. I was right at the net when Edward came out of nowhere and ended up putting me on my ass right as I was about to score. He took me by surprise and my ankle twisted painfully as I slid into the wall. I screamed at impact then I felt nothing. No pain. Nothing. I slowly tried to get up. But I quickly realized that I couldn't. Esme blew the whistle and everyone stopped.

Charlie was the first to me then Carlise, Esme, Emmet, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper. Edward had tried to be there but Emmet quickly shoved him away. He was like my big brother already. I had placed my hand on his shoulder to stop him from doing further damage. He nodded before quickly picking me up and carried me out to Charlie's cruiser.

"Right before I got the point. Bastard." I mumbled. Emmet laughed before setting me down inside the car and going back to Rosalie. All the cars were the same as before except the Volvo wasn't there. Charlie quickly jumped into the car and as soon as the keys were in he had the pedal to the medal as we went to the hospital.

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