Unexpected Visitor

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I lifted my extremely heavy lids lifted with much unneeded struggle after I had felt an extra weight being placed by my side on the bed. The cold solid body was pressed firmly into my back as 2 strong arms wrapped around my waist preventing any movement on my half of the bed, my body fell ridged against the new body, and as if on cue a deep velvety voice mumbled what I knew had confirmed my thoughts.

"Oh shit." The voice spoke. I whirled around or tried to, as big strong, stone arms wrapped tighter around my waist preventing anymore movement. I panicked and thrashed in the bed as much as I could but the arms didn't loosen at all, and I grew tired quickly. After about 5 minutes or so I was so tired I actually fell still, the red light of the clock read 1:27 AM.

I mentally face palmed my self after realizing the easiest way to get out of this stalkers iron grip and bottling up all my hatred and anger I screamed loudly and viciously and clearly more curses were heard from the man behind me. I smirked but it was quickly lost as I was suddenly sat up and staring into the liquidy golden eyes that haunted my nightmares. It was the man with bronze hair, the one who i'd hit, the man I had run into on the plane. It was all him. Our noses almost touching as our breaths mingled. I gasped. The mans stare was malicious and if looks could kill I'd probably be dead. As close as we were I took this as my chance to look at him. The man was gorgeous, like model. That's how beautiful this man was, his porcelain skin seemed to sparkle in the moon light and his hands felt like ice in an ice rink. And his wild bronze hair sprang up from every direction, an he shook like he was trying to restrain himself.

"Why are you so cold? And in my fucking bed?" I whisper-shouted.

"You remember none of this, you woke up from a nightmare." Then the man was gone out of the window, in a flash may I add. Inhumanly. Strange.

Charlie burst into the room an old shoe in hand. He held it like a weapon and he looked as if he would kill some one with it if he could, which I knew he couldn't.

"What's wrong Cassie?!" He said looking around the room carefully, as if someone would jump out a yell 'BOO!' I smiled at his protectiveness. But my smile faltered when he spotted my bags still unpacked on the window seat. He frowned.

"Why haven't you unpacked?" He spoke softly. I lowered my gaze and shrugged my shoulders. He walked slowly over to my bags. He pointed his index finger to my black skate bag.

"What's this?" He mumbled softly as he brought his hands up, shoe forgotten, and he opened the bag. His gaze was caught by all my skating stuff in my bag which consisted of water bottle, practice closes, hair stuff, skates, my dress, and my newest golden medal. He slowly picked through it.

He pulled out my skates and my unworn blue dress that I was supposed to wear at my last competition, but I never did. I smiled softly.He pulled out my only medal I had brought with me. I had brought it because Mom had said that was my best routine yet and by far the best win yet. I had the highest score ever and it made everyone super proud I me. Even other competitors.

"That's my skating bag. I did really well, firsts or seconds that's it. Mom loved it. It's what we shared, and why I always did so well. It was always to impress." I whispered smiling at the happy memories of my mom.

"Did you like it?" Charlie asked curiously, playing with the strings on my skates.

"I loved it. Why?"

"Then it's settled, I want you to know that I won't try to fill your mothers spot in your heart, but I want you to know that anything you want to do you can. You just need to say the word." He spoke placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded softly, before he walked out of the room.

I smiled at the door frame he had just been in and walked back to the bed, I looked over at the picture one last time before I let sleep consume my thoughts again. But I couldn't help but wonder why the man was in my bed in the middle of the night? And did he get in?

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