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Wait? Mate? Maybe I misheard him.

"Emmet, she's mine! Move away." Edward growled out lowly. Emmet shook his head as Carlisle and Jasper quickly moved to him. Rosalie slowly looped her fingers through mine and pulled me gently garter away for the bickering brothers. Esme and Alice soon joined. And I'm glad. Because Edward came flying at me from absolutely no where. Knocking me onto the ground harshly. I yelped in surprise when I saw his normal golden eyes a dark coal colour. My body started to shake in fear as his head darted down to my neck. I felt his teeth pierce my neck as he slowly sucked on it. I screamed and Carlisle was there instantly yanking Edward off of me. My neck burned slightly as I cupped it with my hand. Blood slowly crippled out of me. I whimpered.

"Rosalie, take Cassie back into her room." Carlisle ordered. Rose nodded before pulling me back into the room. She grabbed some toilet paper and gave it to me. I held it to my neck.

"Cassie I need you to be quiet and go to the bathroom. Don't open the door unless it is Carlisle, Esme or me. Ok." She said then shut the door and left. I was left sitting their speech less. What was going on? I slowly hoisted myself up onto the counter, about a meter away from the door. I whimpered as I pulled the toilet paper away. It was a bright red. I looked into the mirror and took in my appearance. My eyes looked sunken in and lifeless, my skin pale. But on my neck was a very defined mouth impression. I gasped and slowly brought my hand up to touch it. I winced as my finger tips brushed it. Slowly I hobbled over and grabbed more toilet paper. Holding it to my neck as I sat back down. I whimpered again as I heard crashing going around downstairs.i squeezed my eyes shut and waited for it to stop. I heard angry stomps coming up the stairs. I quickly limped over to the door and locked it. I slowly started to move towards the tub. The door to Rosalie's room burst open. I quickened my pace. Somebody banged harshly on the door. I back peddled into the the tub slowly sinking into a ball, my eyes never leaving the door. Once sitting down I curled my legs up. I shielded my head with my hands. Seconds went by before the door burst into slivers of wood. And guess who walked through the door. Shit.

Sorry I haven't updated I have been really sick with a flu I swear was in love with me and has now decided to never leave. I'll try to update more but no promises. Remember to comment your ideas for this story plot down below. I want to thank tattosforlife1 for commenting it really made me smile to think you guys actually wanted me to continue. So thank you and remember to comment and vote.

Fix Me(Edward Cullen Love Story)DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now