Ch. 1

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I open my eyes and look at the clock.

4 a.m. I sigh and get out of bed, moonlight dripping into my room through the open curtains. I walk to the bathroom, my footsteps echoing throughout the empty house. I turn on the shower and look at myself in the mirror. My red eyes were glowing like they always did whenever I felt sadness or anger, I closed them and take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. once I opened them they were back to their normal color. My black hair went all the way to my mid back, I've always kept it at this length since mom used to love it. I remember her being upset once that I had cut it short.

"Why cut such beautiful hair?" she had said, "It just doesn't seem fair to me."

Steam now filled the bathroom so I took my clothes off and went inside, letting the water wash away everything.

I got out of the shower and changed into my knee length spandex shorts and black t-shirt that had my clan's symbol on it, plus my fingerless gloves and my ninja shoes. I brushed my hair and then grabbed my father's katanas. I decided to train today before going to the academy, better than sitting at home doing nothing.

I made myself a quick breakfast and walked to the training ground. On my way I saw an old man who seemed to be carrying groceries.

Who the hell goes shopping at this time?

I see that he was having trouble carrying his stuff so I hurried over to help him.

"Here," I said, reaching for the bags, "let me help you with that."

He looked up at me and that's when I recognized him, he was from my clan, he lived alone in a little house not too far from here.

"Oh, thank you." he replied.

I smiled slightly and took his bags. He walked very slowly so by the time we got to his house I wouldn't have time to train as long as I usually do.

Oh well, I can train later this afternoon, plus, I have the test to take, I shouldn't go too tired.

"It's beautiful ain't it." the old man says suddenly.

"Huh?" I ask, being caught off guard.

"The moon, it's really beautiful." he repeats.

"Oh, yeah, it really is." I reply, looking up at the full moon.

"There's something about it, it just seems to hold a lot of secrets." he says.

I furrow my eyebrows and look down at the floor. The time my parents were murdered, it was night time, the full moon glowing above.

"I guess it does." I say.

Once we get to the old man's home, I tell him put his stuff away and say farewell.

"They would be very proud," 

I freeze with my hand on the door handle.

"They were really nice people, your parents, met them a long time ago," he continues, "You look a lot like them, with your father's eyes and your mother's hair, except yours is a shade darker." he finishes.

"Thank you," I say quietly with a knot in my throat.

I then open the door and get out.


I walk home slowly, wanting to waste some time since school starts in about an hour.

Might as well do some shopping. 

I go to the market and buy some shampoo, soap, fruits, vegetables and a chocolate to eat on the way.. I pay the lady for my stuff and go on my way, holding the chocolate in one hand and my bags in the other.

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