Ch. 8

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I know I haven't updated in FOREVER and I wanted to apologize. Most of you probably already forgot about my story, but if you haven't, thank you, and I'm sorry once again.

Hope you like it.


He coughs and sits up, a pool of blood surrounding him.

"What-what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know, checking the place out."

"Y-You were kidnapped...."

"Ha! I was wasn't I?" he spits out some blood, I didn't think the shuriken stabbed him so deeply, "I was surprised you believed that so easily, being my sister's daughter, I thought you would be smarter than that, but apparently, I was wrong."


"It was all a trick Hannah! I was never kidnapped! Get it?"

I hear Shikamaru and Naruto jump behind me.

"Hannah-chan!" Naruto says, running beside me, "Aren't you... isn't this, Saburo-chan?"

I walk closer to Saburo and get in front of his face, "Explain." I growl.

He chuckles, "Gladly. You see, your mother was always the favorite, my parents adored her. She had the ability of learning techniques without any difficulty, almost instantly. While I, needed hard work and had to work double what any 'normal' kid did. She would rub in my face the things she was able to do, making fun of me and making sure she had my parent's attention at all times." He coughs, wheezing.

"Time went by, we grew up, and our parents got old. I, being the oldest, was going to receive my parents' fortune, since we had millions. But at last minute, they decided to give it to your mother. I was always the black sheep, your mother an angel, and guess what? I was tired of it."

I make my hands into fists.

He spits out more blood, "Itachi didn't kill your parents in that mission, I did!"

Tears fall down my cheeks, my eyes glowing red of anger, "Itachi actually tried to help them, ha! But they were dead in seconds. Your stupid mother begged for her life, Please don't Saburo, what about Hannah?" he imitates.

"And guess what I did to her, I stabbed her own katana into her chest, slowly, and painfully. Bitch actually tried to fight, but she was exhausted, and couldn't do anything about it. Your bastard of a father was useless, the Haburo clan got to us, and killed him. I asked them if I could join them, but of course, I had to pass some tests."

I take out a kunai and put it to his neck, "How dare you! You killed your own sister!"

"No! She wasn't a sister, she was a little bitch, and a whore, and an idiot who thought she could make fun of me and look! Where is she now!"

"Shut up!"

I was about to slice his throat when a pair of arms go around my waist, pulling me away from him.

"No! He killed them! He killed my parents!" I thrash around like a mad woman, "Let me go!"

"Hannah! Calm down!" I hear Kakashi say.

A pair of ANBU then grab Saburo and take him away.



Kakashi carried me over his shoulder, Shikamaru, Naruto, and Sasuke were behind us. Tears fell down my face, the drops falling to the ground.

Naruto's fists were tight, and he was looking at my tears fall to the ground.

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