Open the Damn Door

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I was still handcuffed to the bed. I had been for a week with short periods of freedom. Ramon would visit, usually to try and woo me. Saddler would come only to inject me. Jack would come sometimes to talk, but more so to guard me.

After awhile visits became shorter. Jack stopped coming altogether. Instead a Ganado was sent to watch me. He was not much for conversation. None of them were.

I grew restless. I would turn my wrists back and forth to try and get out. They soon started to chafe and bleed. I had to stop. It hurt too much. Soon, however, I started to do it again.

I was rotating my wrists in the handcuffs again when Ramon came into the room. I stared at him as he came closer. I did not cease my wrist's movement until he took my bloodied wrists in his small hands.

"Amor, please stop," he quietly said. I wanted to start crying. This was my Ramon. The one who was really concerned about me. The one who would show his love for me.

"I will not. Not until they are gone for good," I said.

"You know I cannot do that. I cannot let you leave," he replied.

"Then you must watch me  suffer," I fought back. He looked sadly at me with his bright topaz eyes. For a moment I felt sorrow and want. 

"What happened to you Ramon? You used to be so different. You actually used to care," I said as tears ran down my face. He put his fingers to my eyes and wiped away my tears.

"I do still care mi amor. I Have done everything in my power to make you happy. What more must I do?" he asked as he lightly stroked my dark brown hair.

"Let me leave," I pled, "You do not have to keep me here. You do not have to listen to Saddler."

"I am sorry Amor, but I cannot. You are too special to lose," he murmured. He let me go and moved to the exit. He paused, his hand on the door's handle.

"It would do you good to cooperate with us Amor," he harshly said, not lokoing at me. I drew back, surprised at his change in attitude. But I stayed silent.

"I shall return later, after we have dealt with the President's daughter," Ramon said in a softer tone. He never looked back at me. I noticed his shaking hands. Then he quickly left the room.

"President's daughter? Ramon, what are you and Saddler planning?" I thought aloud.


The Ganado had come back after I had been alone for two hours. Then the lifeless husk of a person remained here with me for another five. I muttered curses under my breath as I tried to free myself.

Then, out of the corner of my eye I spotted something. Under the chair, about two feet away, was what looked like a pin. My heart almost leapt from my chest. I glanced to the Ganado. He was not looking at me. I stretched my leg, attempting to get the pin with my foot.

I had barely reached it. After pricking my bare feet several times and some careful maneuvering, the pin was in my hands. I glanced again at my captor. He was still turned away from me. After jabbing my fingers the pin was where the key should have gone. I moved the pin around. I can honestly say I did not know how to properly do this.

I moved the pin around for about five minutes. I almost had a close call with the Ganado turning around unexpectedly. Thankfully he did not notice. Another five minutes, and I heard the tiniest 'click' and I silently took the handcuffs off my blood coated wrists.

I quietly moved to the door. I almost made it. However, in a moment of gracelessness, I hit my hip against a side table. The vase that was sitting on it fell to the floor. The Ganado turned toward me swiftly. He moved closer to me and I, in the heat of the moment, picked up a broken shard of the vase and stabbed the formerly human man in the shoulder. He groaned and faltered slightly. It gave me time to run. As I pulled the door open, the Ganado grabbed me from behind.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I thrashed around in a vice grip. And then I heard something. Footsteps, running.

"Hello!" I shouted as he turned me from the door, "Help me!" It was not Ramon, they were too heavy. But they were lighter than Jack's. And Saddler never ran.

I was about to scream again when the door was thrown open. A shot rang out and blood spattered on my dress as the Ganado dropped to the floor. Dead. I turned to look at the person who had freed me.

A dirty blonde haired man stood in the door. He held a raised gun in his hands. He lowered it when I turned around. He gave a small smirk.

"Didn't know there was a princess in the castle."

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