That Fine Line Between Love and Hate

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"What the hell is this?" Leon asked aloud when we entered this new area of the castle.

"Is that lava?" Ashley asked as she peered over the edge. Why in the world is this even in the castle? Ashley was right, lava filled the chasm ahead of us. Some sort of platform rested on a track that seemed to move toward the door across the lava-filled chasm.

"I'm going to see where this goes. Ashley, Amor, wait here," Leon commanded, jumping onto the platform. Ashley and I watched as he made it to the other side and disappeared through the door.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Ashley asked in concern.

"He has made it this far. He will be fine," I tried to sound like I was not worried, when I was.

"Who exactly are you?" I was not surprised when she asked that. In fact, I had been waiting for her to ask that.

"My name is truly Amor LaCienega, that is the truth. I am an...experiment you could say, for the group that kidnapped you. Leon found me locked in a room and we made a deal; I help him get through the castle and he gets me out," I paused for a moment. "I am sure many would also call Ramon Salazar my consort."

"You mean the man who's like, this tall?" she put her hand next to her hip to show me what she meant. I gave a small laugh and nodded. "Isn't he way older than you?"

"No, he is twenty years old. I am nineteen."

"Seriously? I'm older than both of you. I'm twenty-one," she looked a bit insulted. I could not help but let a smirk make its way to my face.

"Leon's kinda cute, isn't he?" Ashley suddenly asked.

"I suppose he is," I admitted.

We waited in silence, and as we did, I thought about a possible friendship with Ashley. If you got past the high-pitched voice and her screaming, she was not horrible. Though if she screamed again I would hit her.

"Here he comes," Ashley exclaimed. I let out a breath. As he jumped back over to us, Ashley ran to Leon and hugged him.

"I found the last piece," Leon announced as he held up a Lion's head.

"What is that?" I asked, trying to remember if I had seen it before.

"The wall in the main hall I told you about earlier. It's-I guess it's easier for you to see it for yourself." he said, then he started walking toward a cart on rails down one of the halls.

"If we ever get back there," I muttered. My faith really was disappearing.

"Do you know how this works?"

"I did not even know this existed," I answered.

"Oh well, get on girls." We did and the moment Leon stepped on, it started moving. It must have had sensors or something similar. It went quite fast because in a few minutes we were stopped before a door, which we wasted no time passing through. Beyond the door was the main hall. And of course, the infamous wall Leon had spoke of. I was speechless. As Leon put the stone figures into the wall, I caught a smirk on his face. Yes, yes, there is a wall. You were right. No need to silently boast.

When the final piece was inserted, the room started to shake. The wall lowered itself, revealing, what a surprise, another door. Behind the door was the outside. Another cart on tracks was out here as well.

"We must be closer to escaping. We have to be," I said out loud, mostly to myself. Trying to convince myself I could escape. To convince myself that even though I had failed many times, I could be free.

This time I stepped on the cart without hesitation. We stopped once again at an iron door when the cart came to a stop. We went through the door and quickly I realized I knew where we were.

"I know where we are!" I exclaimed, excited by the familiarness. "Follow me!"

I knew Leon and Ashley could keep up with me, so I ran. Down halls, around corners, and finally through a door. This room had always reminded me of a chess board.

"Help me move these statues," I said to them. Ashley helped me push one to the correct spot while Leon did the other. Once the statues were in place, a door on the other end of the room opened.

"Well, are you coming?" I urge the other two when they made no attempt to move.

"Let me go first Princess, I gotta bad feeling right now," Leon said. I did as he requested and allowed him to go ahead of me.

We had barely stepped into the room when Leon suddenly stopped. I peered around Leon to see Ramon, standing in the middle of the room, so nonchalantly as if he had no cares in the world.

"I think you have lived long enough. Let's see if you can survive this time," Ramon drawled. With a wave of his hand, the door behind us closed and the ceiling above us started to come down, spikes protruding from it. Only faintly did I hear Ashley's cry. The loudest sound I heard was Ramon's maniacal laughter, which echoed in my ears even after he had left. I did not even notice Leon had saved us once more by shooting the buttons that stopped the trap.

"Amor," I jumped when Leon said my name and touched my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"He is insane. He no longer cares if I die," I whisper, unable to keep a single tear from running down my face.


A/N: Oh my God, it's been forever! I'm so sorry for making you wait, but I've had so much going on. I tried not to rush to get this chapter done, but I did so I could get it up. I'm a horrible person for making you wait, so once again I'M SORRY!

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