The Past I Can Never Forget

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"Traeme  mas agua," my mother ordered.

"Por supuesto madre," I responded. I retrieved a bucket and began walking to the river, greeting others as I moved past. 

I reached the river in about fifteen minutes. I put the bucket into the water and perked my head up, hearing a light tread of feet. A boy short in stature came into view. Hair the same color as mine was pulled back into a ponytail. Topaz eyes landed on my chocolate brown ones. This boy, judging by his clothing, was of noble standing.

"Hello, I do not believe we have ever met. I am Amor LaCienega. And you are?" I rambled out in English, the language I used with everyone except my mother. The boy seemed taken aback by my words.

"Me llamo Roman Salazar. The eighth castellan..."

"Of the castle. I have heard others speak of you," I interrupted.

"Why are you here alone?" he asked, getting closer.

"Getting water. What compelled you to come down from your castle?" I asked. He did not answer.

"You are lonely, are you not? I can see it in your eyes. And you will not come to the village because of fear of rejection due to your standing. Am I correct?" I predicted. He was now sitting beside me. He slowly nodded.

"I'll be your friend, if you want. I can meet you outside the village," I brightly said. His glistening eyes widened. 

"I would like that very much," he softly said.

"I have to go now. My mother will be waiting. I hope to see you soon Ramon. Goodbye!"  I said in a lively voice, taking the pail of water with me. I heard a faint goodbye before walking away.

*A month later*

A priest who had introduced himself as Osmund Saddler had arrived to our small village. He spoke of redemption and sinners. He was going to replace our former priest, who had committed  unspeakable acts.

I stood in the back, away from the others. Ramon had heard of this man and had come down from his castle to see the man for himself.

"I do not trust him," I stated as I listened to Saddler talk.

"Why not?" Ramon asked.

"There is something, strange about him," I put out.

"Perhaps you should give him a chance. He may be better than you currently believe," Ramon defended the man.

"Maybe you're right," I said, defeated by his logic.

*3 years later*

I wandered Ramon's maze with the now sixteen year old. I was fifteen now. It was difficult to believe we had been friends for this long. Ramon hadn't changed much physically, he was still quite short. But he was more thoughtful, more mature, even though he had been very mature as a thirteen year old boy. I had gotten more mature as well. And I had filled out to a more womanly figure.

We sat together in the center of the maze, a fountain decorating the center.

"Osmund has informed me you have not been attending mass. He wishes to know why," Ramon informed me.

"I am more spiritual than anything. He knows that I rarely attend," I answered.

"Is that it?" Ramon asked, not believing me.

"You would not understand," I argued quietly. "It is just I do not trust that man." 

Ramon was silent. He never bothered arguing with me anymore when I brought up that subject.

"He brought something to my attention. A sin my grandparents committed. There is a way to atone for it," Ramon said.

"And I suppose you cannot or will not tell me what it is," I said.

"I do wish to tell you. However, it is best I keep it silent for now. Amor, you are the only one I can truly confide in. Believe me when I say I will explain another time," Ramon promised as his small hand took mine.

"I care about you Ramon. Truly I do. You know that I hope."

"Of course I do. You are the only one I have ever loved this much," Ramon declared. My eyes widened in surprise. As did his when he realized what he said.

"Love? You love me?" I asked in amazement. Ramon stared at the ground for a moment, then his lips landed softly on mine. And it all ended too soon when he pulled away.

"I do mi amor."

*2 years later*

I stared out my bedroom window at the soulless things that used to be people. Apparently the Salazar's redemption was releasing a plagas, turning people into husks of their former selves. By some sort of miracle, it had not affected me. But watching people I cared for turn into these... things, I wish it had.

"Mi amor, are you coming?" a familiar voice asked. Familiar voice, different face. Ramon now had graying hair and wrinkled skin. The parasite had changed him too.

"I am coming," I said quietly. He let me gather a few belongings and then brought me to his castle. It seemed more ominous now. As did Ramon. The boy I had fallen in love with was gone.


Traeme mas agua-Bring me more water

Por supuesto madre-Of course mother

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