Be Careful of the Unseen

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"Who are you? I have never seen you before," I asked as the blonde came deeper into the room.

"My name is Leon Kennedy. And you are?" he introduced.

"I am Amor LaCienega. I must thank you for this, opening the door I mean," I also introduced myself.

"Why were you locked in here?" he asked.

"I assume you have met the castellan of this castle," I commented.

"Yeah. What did you do to get yourself locked in here?" he asked.

"Another time. And you, why are you in the castle?" I asked, still wary of the man.

"I'm on a mission to retrieve the President's daughter. She was kidnapped by a cult known as..." he cut off as I interrupted him.

"Los Illuminados. Yes I know. Where is she now?" I asked.

"She was caught in one of the traps," he explained.

"Which one?" I asked. I got enough courage to get closer to the door and the foreign man.

"Some wall one. I've gotta find her. It was great meeting and all, but I gotta go," he said when he turned and started walking away. But before he got too far, an idea came to my head.

"Wait! Senor Kennedy, I can help you!" I yelled. He stopped and I ran to catch up with him.

"How can you help me?" he asked.

"I know my way around this castle. I know where all of Ramon's traps are and where they lead. I can guide you and take you to the President's daughter. In return, all I ask is you get me out of this castle," I offered.

"You're sure? How do I know you can be trusted?" he challenged.

"You have no reason to trust me. Why would I risk anything to help a stranger? However, I have been locked in that room for months, with countless attempts at escape. With you, I may have a real chance of escaping. I trust you because you came when I called. And you seem to be short on allies. I think you need any help that is offered," I explained. Leon ran his fingers through his hair.

"You're right. I guess we could team up," he gave in, "Here." He put a knife in my hand.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"In case we get separated. You're not too bad with sharp objects," he said with a smirk. He was obviously talking about the vase shard in the Ganado's shoulder.

"Alright then. The quickest way to her would have to be through the sewer. Follow me," I ordered. He stayed close to my side as I led him expertly through the maze of hallways. We soon arrived to a door in the floor of an unused room. Leon opened it and looked down into the hole.

"Salazar said he let the insects out. What does that mean?" he questioned before descending the ladder.

"I cannot tell you at the moment. I myself have never ventured down. There is another way if you wish you stay out of there," I suggested.

"You said this is the fastest way. We're taking it," Leon said as he climbed down the ladder. I followed him.

We reached the bottom and I instantly wished there shoes on my bare feet. The ground was squishy beneath my toes. I carefully walked in front of Leon, wary of our surroundings. I quickly stopped when I saw a rather strange thing.

"Leon, what is that dripping from the wall?" I asked, pointing at a goo-like substance.

"No idea," he said. He stepped in front of me. He moved closer to it and a bug like creature abruptly came into sight. Leon quickly took the shotgun from his back and shot three shells into the horrific beast. It dropped down dead.

"Repugnante," I muttered.

"Some insects," I heard Leon say.

"I remember what they are now. They are called Novisatdores. I recall Osmund Saddler talking about them. It is Spanish for the unseen," I recalled from my memory.

"Yeah, well, that's great," Leon sarcastically said. We encountered two more in the next room, Leon sniping both of them. The next room was filled with them. The way we needed to go was flooded with water.

"There is a room down the hallway with a wheel on a pipe. Turn it and it will drain the water. If you give me your handgun, I can take care of the monsters in here while you drain the water," I said. This time he did not ask questions and handed me the gun.

"Be careful," was all he said before leaving me on my own. I remembered seeing the men of the village use guns sometimes so I had the smallest idea how to use it.

I shot two of the creatures down when I heard the water start to drain. Leon's footsteps echoed through the sewer as he ran back to the room I was currently in. I kept shooting, the creatures coming from everywhere.

And then there was a shout. I swiftly spun around to find one on Leon's back. Without thinking, I ran at him and using the knife I was given, stabbed the ugly thing. It writhed in pain and it fell of Leon. He killed it with a single shot from his shotgun.

"Thanks. Let's get outta here," he said breathing heavily. We dropped into the hole where the water had originally been. Another Novistador dropped down and Leon killed if quickly. The next room was empty, save for a short staircase.

"You sure you know where you're going?" Leon asked uncertainly.

"Mostly yes. I am going off of schematics," I admitted. He mumbled a bit. Then he spoke up.

"You did good back there kid. You had my back," he said. I handed him his gun back.

"Thank you. I am very adept when acting on impulse. And I am nineteen. Not a child," I corrected him.

 "This way."

I pushed a door open and was taken aback by the swinging pendulums.

"Que diablos? What is this?" I asked aloud.

"We are almost back inside the main halls. We just have to pass what ever this is," I said as I pointed across the room. 

"Guessing you didn't know about this?" Leon asked. I shook my head. 

"Well come on. We got this. Just follow my lead," Leon encouraged.

I followed him, dodging the objects. We were doing fine until we reached a gap that we needed to jump across. Leon did with ease. I, however, was utterly terrified.

"I'll help you Amor. On my mark, jump. I'll catch you if you fall short," Leon promised. I thought that was a horrible choice of words. "Okay, go!"

Breathing in deeply, I ran and jumped. My bare feet landed at the edge and I almost fell back into the pit. Until a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.

"Not bad. A little farther and then we're out of these things," Leon said. 

Eventually we made it across. A wave of relief washed over me. I let out a breath I had not realized I had been holding.

"Gracias a dios! I never want to do that again!" I exclaimed. Leon gave a small laugh.

"Through this door?" he asked.

"Unless you want to go back? Yes," I said as I pushed the door open.


A/N: Okay, long wait for this chapter. Mostly because an idiot kept forgetting her notebook to write down her ideas. Who could that be? Not me of course. This chapter seemed really bad to me, but what do I know? I took a couple parts out of the game because they didn't fit this fanfic. And if I did add them in, they would all be long ass chapters. Anyways, I used quite a bit of Spanish in this chapter. I translated as best I could, but I am not a native Spanish speaker, so they may be off. 



Que diablos-What the hell

Gracias a dios-Thank God

See you next chapter!

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