Chapter 1 - Home

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"Come on, Brooke!" Please? I'm your BCFFL, you can tell me." Kennedy begged. "BCFFL? What does th... oh." I stopped and looked at Kennedy. BCFFL stood for "Best Country Friend For Life." I had to tell her, I just had to. I'm Brooke Linner, i'm not afraid of anything, except spreading my personal information to the whole town of Ostcrest. Especially Elhaven High School. Everything spread around that place. Rumors, issues, even diseases. I laughed thinking about that. 

"Ugh. I might as well, I mean, the world is going to end anyway one day and we'll die, so yeah, I might as well." I randomly blurted out.

"Wow, harsh. Now tell me!" Kennedy begged. 

"It's uh... ugh.. it's Kylar Silman." Kennedy's mouthed dropped as if she was going to get to see some kind of popular music group.

"Oh my god. Silman? Kylar Silman? Oh, come on, you've got to be joking." Kennedy punched my shoulder. "Ow." I said, wondering why she did that. "No punch backs!" she exclaimed. Kennedy is my best friend. She's still childish, which is cute, but really, in my opinion, she's got to grow up sometime. 

"You've got to grow up sometime... we've known each other for.. well, forever. Let's go shopping for some boots and clothing. Cowgirl style." I said randomly. 

"You're funny to think i'd go shopping this week. Oh, and my child-like actions and sayings is what makes me, me." Kennedy said. 

"Yeah, okay. And why can't you go shopping?" I asked. 

"Are you kidding me?! Bro, have you already forgotten about our project for Ms.Whitfether? That's due Saturday!" Kennedy said. 

I totally forgot! The project! All we had to do was pick our partner and do a video telling everyone about what we want to do when we grow up. Technically a futuristic "Draw my Life" type of thing. We would choose our job and who will be our pretend future wives/husbands, etc. Yeah, pretty great, right? My partner was Sawyer. The cute shy boy. I wouldn't technically be the one to date him, I liked Kylar. But Sawyer was cute. Even though he was really shy. He was likable. Especially to Kennedy. I knew she had a mini crush on Sawyer. A few girls did. Even Shiloh, the stupid leader of the Country Gals group. They called themselves popular and cute. I believed the popular part, but cute? Cassedi was pretty, but Shiloh and Rachel, well let's just they looked like garbage. Sage was working with Kylar, dang. Jessi, my really good guy friend, had Shiloh. Poor guy. And Rachel and Cassedi were working together, for some reason. It was supposed to be a guy and girl, not girl and girl. Umm... awkward. 

"Well I got to go start that project, so bye Kennedy!" I gave her a tight hug and ran off. Off to my parents house. 

Ember, my mom, was also my best friend. I shared everything with her. Issues, love stories, crushes, etc. We acted like little girls in elementary school, spreading rumors about boys and going on play dates. Our so called"play dates" were technically days riding horses and laying under the stars. I loved her so much. 

And my dad on the other hand, well, he was always out doing something. Sometimes I felt like he bailed on me and my mom just because he is secretly dating this hot cowgirl chic. Ugh, weird. Why would I even think that? He had a job. Not a girlfriend. He had a wife. Not a devilish lady acting like a maniac ready to get married. I have weird thoughts.

Anyway, I still love them both. No matter what. But secretly I love my mom the most.My dad is barely around, so I don't see him very often. But again, I still love him. 

I ran into the house and upstairs to my room. The hat on my door was a prize-winning possession. I won it at a horse race. My mom volunteered me, for some reason, but I won. Yay. I got out my project instructions and picked up my phone. Sawyer had given me his number for the project. So, I contacted him.

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