Chapter 5 - Kylar Silman's House

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I got to Kylar Silman's house and knocked on the door. An old man answered it and told me to come in. I walked in and asked if Kylar was there and he said 'yes'. The old man ran upstairs to get him. I sat there a few minutes staring at all the cool decorations they had up from the last holiday. It was funny to see that.

Finally, the old man came down and told me he'd be down in a minute. And before I knew it, Kylar Silman was walking down the stairs, shirtless. I couldn't stop staring at him, especially his hot abs. "Wow..." was the words that blurted out of my mouth. Kylar was staring at me with his crystal blue eyes. I felt he had a tiny crush on me, because he couldn't stop staring at me either. "Okay, lovebirds. I'll make some dinner and get the table set. You two... don't get too comfortable." the old man said, with the creepiest and deepest voice iv'e ever heard. I got the chills hearing that.

Kylar was still staring, until I said "Hi".

"Hey, Brooke. Lookin' good, as always."

"Hey, Kylar."

"So, why are you here anyway? Like, I know i'm hot, but... well yeah. I don't have an excuse."

"Oh, i'm just here to hang out. You know, we're friends, right?"

"Yeah. I know. Hey, why are you blushing?"

I stood still, trying to think of an excuse to say. "I put blush on this morning. Beauty first, right?" I'm so dumb.

"Makeup? I thought you hated it. Unless now you don't?"

"Well, sure." I didn't know what else to say.

"You're cute when you make up excuses. Especially about stuff like that."

Dang. He knew. I was screwed. "Ha-ha."

"Well, want to go to my room? It's more comfortable and more quiet, unlike my grandpa here."

I heard his grandfather singing. He sounded like a rat about to die. "Yeah, sure."

"I'd rather hear peace than something about to die."

Kylar stared at me and then laughed for a little while. We both went upstairs to his room. It looked like a mini rodeo.

"Awesome." I kept staring at over 200 trophies on one side of the wall. It was probably mostly from being the hottest guy in Ostcrest.

"Nice! Where did you get all of them?"

"Oh, those old things? Horse races, basketball, football, and one of them is for winning the 'Best Looking Guy Pageant.'"

I knew it. "The last one you mentioned was true, but you played sports?"

"Yeah, back in middle school. I won that one from soccer, though."

He pointed to the corner of all of the trophies. "Oh, okay. This room is really cool."

"Thank you, Brooke." He paused for a moment. "What is that smell?"

I sniffed. It smelt like smoke or a fire. I exited the room and ran downstairs and ran back upstairs. "Nothing."

"Oh, no. Not this." He picked up the phone and called his mother, for some strange reason.

"What happened?"

"My grandpa was smoking in here again. Dammit."

I was puzzled about what he had just said. If I ever said something like that, I would be grounded. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine. Sorry for my language."

"It's fine. Iv'e heard a lot worse. A lot worse."

"Oh, well then. Sorry, anyway. Iv'e heard a lot of kids get grounded if they say that. My parents would do it to me."

"Well, same. Especially if they're actually around." I giggled.

"Cool. So, are you like tomboy, full cowgirl, popular? What's your personality?"

"Popular? You're funny. And well i'm just cowgirl. You can figure out my personality by yourself." I smiled.

"Oh, okay. So you're challenging. Do you like truth or dare? Spin the bottle? Anything?"

"You obviously like asking questions. I like fun things. Right now, i'm laughing because you want to know everything."

"Oh, sorry. Ugh. I get carried away."

"It's fine. I think..."

All of the sudden, his grandfather screamed our names to call us for dinner.

"Okay, then."

I got up and reached for the door. Kylar followed me. We both ran downstairs, laughing. Kylar kept trying to chase me. Soon, we got downstairs. Kylar was a gentlemen and pushed me in when I sat down in a chair next to him.

"Shall we say grace?" Kylar's grandfather said. We all bowed our heads, held hands, and closed our eyes.

"Lord... we thank you for today. Thank you for another great recovery from cancer for me and many other miscellaneous things we are unknown of. In the Lord's name, Amen."

"Amen." Me and Kylar said at the same time.

"Let's eat!" Kylar's grandfather said.

We ate all of the food in an hour.

"Thank you, by the way. Mr..."



"You're very welcome. Now you two run upstairs now. Enjoy your last hour together."

"Thank you, Mr.Silman. I owe you one." I ran over to him and hugged him.

"You're really the type I like. You got a good one here, Kylar. Thank you young lady."

"No problem."

I ran upstairs with Kylar, again. But to another room in the house. We walked into a room labeled, 'Guest room.'

"Why are we in here?"

"I have a surprise for you." He reached up and grabbed a box labeled 'Charley.' He pulled out a necklace that had a heart with a picture in it. Or was it a picture? It was a quote.

"Wow. It's made of silver." I opened the locket. It said, "It always seems impossible, until it's done."

"It was my sister's. I want you to have it."


"I trust you. I wouldn't trust anyone else. I trust you because she would've liked you."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I saw a tear begin to form on Kylar's eye.

"It's fine. She lived her life the way a life should be lived. Perfect."

He had his hand on his knee, so I put my hand on his. I wipe the tears from his eye and kept my hand there for a minute. He kept staring at me. He didn't stop staring at me, until one moment he stopped crying and lifted his head up and quickly kissed me. We kept sitting there, until he started moving his head to the right and left. I guess I had to do the same. We kissed each other for quite a while. He backed away and put his head down. "Wow. That was the longest and most active kiss iv'e ever had."

I laughed and looked at him. "You've had other kisses?"

"Yeah, with the air." He laughed.

"Yeah, weird." I laughed, too.

I noticed that I was still holding his hand.

"I should be going." I got up and took him with me.

His grandfather looked at our hands. He looked away and didn't even care. As we reached the outside of his house, he notice my car in the driveway.

"Nice car!"

"Thanks. I guess it is nice." I stared at the car for a while.

"Well, I should go."

He kissed me one last time and let my hand go. I then got in my car and drove away.

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